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RSS Obaid

Reward Points:16
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

If there are no better alternatives, animals should be used for research Animal testing is not always ideal, but it remains necessary for research. While it is important to consider the well-being of animals when conducting such research, it must also be recognized the potential knowledge, developments, and discoveries that can be gained. Since such research can lead to new products and medicine that have the potential to improve and save the lives of both humans and animals, it is justified.

1 point

But I think he is able to take responsibility, especially at this stage who turns your child to man .

2 points

Yes, the free flow of information is vital to democracy I think that the Internet does in fact encourage democracy, because the free flow of information helps people communicate, organize and disseminate a wide range of information. The Internet, primarily social media websites, were instrumental in recent pushes around the world to overthrow oppressive governments in favor of democracies, such as in Syria and Egypt.

obaid(16) Clarified
1 point

I agree on this speech and I think it's good age to get a mobile phone, but be under parental control !!

1 point

We as a society have to move away from the "eye for an eye" revenge mentality if civilization is to advance.

2 points

No, I don't think that fast food restaurants are responsible for teenage obesity. Kids eat what they like, so they turn to fast food. I don't think they should blame the restaurants, or even the kids. It's just the way it is. Food is good, so the kids turn to it for comfort.

1 point

you need to focus more on the institutions giving the licenses and who they are allowing on the road. age should not matter, there is some 14 year old kids more mature then some 25 year old men. same goes with driving ability

1 point

I agree that they watch too much TV than studying for exams and that it doesn't really help them pass at a suitable level, but i think that they should have exam stuff that are educational to schools so that they can make notes up and stuff like that, their was things put on for teenagers but they were on too early in the morning that was no use cause students would have been asleep.

3 points

No they should not . because it would cost money that could be contributing to cleaner parks and safer streets

1 point

Cell Phones Allowed Students should be able to use cell phones in school, because some of the school supplies that they need might already be an app on their phone that does that. This would save parents a lot of money too. Also, schools would not have to use laptop or iPad carts, students could just use the Internet on their device .

Tied Positions: not agree to have a cell phone vs. agree to have a cell phone

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