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RSS Orle8050

Reward Points:15
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5 most recent arguments.
3 points


B. Clinton platform was change. Why do people see Obama's change as some sort of different chan than Clinton ran on.

And Clinton was younger when he took office than Obama

6 points

Anti-War candidates don't get elected if we were actually fight a war. Remember Bush said "Mission Accomplished" This an occupation to have force democracy in the Middle East because we want their oil.

And this supposed war most American are against it. And with most of the country saying that we are in wrong directions doesn't help the incumbent party. other/direction_of_country-902.html

5 points

McCain does not have the full support of his party. True Conservatives hate him. He has been the nominee since March and 1 out of every 4 republicans since have voted for another republican canidate since McCain rapped up the nomination.

Even the last state to vote, South Dakota, 30% of Republicans voted for someone else or didn't even vote. Obama got more votes losing South Dakota than McCain did to win it.

Sad day for the GOP

9 points

McCain voted 100% in 2008 with President Bush, 95% in 2007, and has an overall voting record with Bush of 90%. With President Bush approval rating in the toilet, I don't think many people would agree that Bush was right 90% of the time.

I think that might trump any "liberal" voting record the GOP tries to portray.

7 points

I didn't realize that the only way to win the Presidency was to win the Big States. I was under the impression that there were 50 states big and small.

I belive this year CO, IA, MO, and NM will be in place and those are not big states.

I also disagree with that he is not a candidate of realiites. Obama, Clinton, and Edwards barely differ regarding policy issues. Between Clinton and Obama the policy difference were so small that people turn this into an American Idol contest since the policies were virtually the same.

The policy difference with Obama and McCain is so strong even a blind man can see.

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