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RSS Penetrarthur

Reward Points:8
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Before PH, USA tried to provoke Japan by any means, including economical blockade. USA just needed a place to drop the bombs on. USA needed to get involved in the war by any means, because where there is war, there is business. USA also sponsored Germany during the war. Germany wouldn't even start it if they hadn't got the oil from USA.

Down voting is funny as hell. I am here not to get the most points.

1 point

I use them as much as I need certain information certain people post there. I don't use it to meet new people or the old ones.

2 points

Microwaves contain insufficient energy to directly chemically change substances by ionization, and so are an example of nonionizing radiation. The word "radiation" refers to the fact that energy can radiate. The term in this context is not to be confused with radioactivity. It has not been shown conclusively that microwaves (or other nonionizing electromagnetic radiation) have significant adverse biological effects at low levels. This is separate from the risks associated with very high intensity exposure, which can cause heating and burns like any heat source, and not a unique property of microwaves specifically.

This place is doomed to become the cradle of ignorance.

1 point

The act of bombing PH and the involvement of Japan in WW2 hasn't anyhow affected it. WW2 was mostly in Europe, and i think Nigeria affected WW2 more than USA or Japan.

1 point

Similar discussion might sound like "Electricity: Bane or Benefit".

This can be also said about all the technical progress and we would end up with a discussion "Fire: Bane or Benefit".

3 points

Fear of death is a phobia. Its really dumb to be afraid of something you most likely have no control over.

Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things.

1 point

Math has as many correct answers as you want, if you can prove they are acceptable/right.

0 points

If we kill people to save people, there will be no way of progress in future. We will simply know that to save 100 people we have to sacrifice one, reminds me of some ancient times

3 points

In my opinion, all the books that are literally valuable are equal, while religious books also carry religion with them, which is another debate.

4 points

The truth is that if there was no religious books, there would be no misunderstanding of it.

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