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RSS Peniswuwu

Reward Points:16
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

This just in, a new shocking and controversial study finds that weapons designed specifically to kill people and animals tend to do more harm than good. Some people dispute this, claiming that murder is good. They also claim that Trump is a good person and that a magic sky fairy called "god" is watching over them. Scientists will be dissecting their brains to find out what went wrong.

peniswuwu(16) Clarified
3 points

I AM curious what a vegan would think about it.

Depends on the vegan in question but I have heard vegans talk about it. Most seem to think it is a positive thing because it could reduce the amount of animals being killed as well as pollution from animal agriculture but they also discourage people from eating it because it is still a meat product which they believe is inherently unhealthy.

1 point

You've stepped over the line. I have got Andy involved. You're harassing users to drive them off his site and destroy his revenue. This is going to legal levels.

More threats again Mr Pussywuwu? That simply won't Mingi-do-do now will it? Mingi screwscrew youyou.

1 point

Of course. But that's about like saying no one has vacationed in Heaven.

Heaven is pure fantasy, whereas Communism is based on a theory which was derived from empirical data.

Yeah, they called themselves that too.

It isn't complicated idiot, the USSR was a socialist republic, not Communism. If you understood the most fundamentally basic facts of Marx's work you would know the difference.

That's quite a theory. However, there are perfectly sound economic explanations.

Yes, like when capitalists puts sanctions on them, invade them or infiltrate their government.

Well, if any of the self-proclaimed authorities on the matter could manage to "cherry pick" a few citations, that would help their cause.

What you don't understand is that Marxism and Socialism are complex subjects that require a nuanced mind to understand, and you are literally repeating mindlessly things which go against the most fundamental elements of them. How do you expect me to try and explain this shit to you, knowing that you refuse to accept even the most basic facts about it? If you want to talk about Marxism and socialism you have to study it yourself, not watch right wing propaganda about it or quote mine on the internet.

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Liberals and conservatives are practically the same thing
Winning Position: Is there such thing as power rangers?
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: Unresolved

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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