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RSS Purrzz

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Of course it has errors. It has been reprinted and revised over the years so many times, that I personally believe that most of it has been skewed by the church to suit their purpose.

1 point

Yes I do. People whom are hearing impaired are just as capable as the rest of us in doing things. I can agree with some of the naysayers to a point. There are certain situations where having hearing is imperative, such as working in the Police Force, Fire Dept, Railroad Industry. All of these industryies require communication to be fast, I am NOT saying that deaf individuals cannot think fast, but it is the form of communication that they utilize. When a life is on the line, seconds are vital. Deaf individuals know this, and I am pretty sure they understand the berevity of those jobs. The only problem I have is that I find that many individuals that I deal with that are hearing impaired expect me to have a pen and paper handy for them when they wish to communicate with me. Not all of them are like, but the large majority of hearing impaired that I deal with are, I don't mind helping out people, it just seems that when I cannot get the pen and paper fast enough, I get treated very rudely, as if I was to know automatically what they needed and had it on hand.... That's my only problem with hearing impaired individuals. And anyone whom thinks that they cannot function normally has obviously never heard of Mozart.

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