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RSS Qv23nicholsp

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think it is hard to tell which country will be the future superpower of the world. It depends on what the world needs at the time. If the world needs a strong military of 2,300,000 men, or a economy that is planed to have a GDP growth of 23 trillion dollars then China will be the future superpower. If the world needs someone who is there Allie like America instead of a powerful leader then America, who is allies with all countries except Bhutan, Iran, North Korea and Syria, will be the future superpower. Judging from the way the world is projecting now, we will most likely rely more on military and money, so I have deduced that China will be the future superpower.

1 point

At least 70,000 people were killed in the initial blast, while approximately 70,000 more died from radiation exposure. "The five-year death total may have teach ed or even exceeded 200,000 as cancer and other long-tea rm effects took hold" according to the D.E. The US dropped another bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9, 1945, killing up to 80,000 people.

1 point

Rex Tillerson said we shouldn't be afraid of the North Korean threats along with Sebastian Gorka. Gorka compared the missile and war threats to other past issues by saying "This is analogous to the Cuban Missile crisis. We need to come together." Military exercises and occasional flair-ups have been a regular occurrence over the past years. rex-tillerson-says-americans-shouldnt-worry-about-north-koreas a23072992/

2 points

Russia’s veto power is an important tool able to prevent Washington from getting legitimacy for its imperial wars. “The Security Council will lose its relevance” without it, Moscow’s UN envoy Vitaly Churkin explained. Without the power of the five countries having the option to veto anything wars could be started along with other horrible acts against specific country's.

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