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RSS Rc2123

Reward Points:6
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

even if the person did not wish to have the baby, is it right to get rid of a potential living being. Do you KNOW if you are going to adore the baby or not? The current population is dropping all over the world and to help revive the economy we need more people. And Abortions are doing.... NO GOOD!

2 points

spelling please...

first let me explain... the pain and suffering is not caused by God, it is the doing of the Satan and his cronies. The reason why God didn't stop this is because he is the Lord of creator and preserver, keeper of peace; therefore if he did destroy, he will be defying his own nature. You must understand that the religion of God has been disputed world-wide through out the history of men. This is because Humans tend to misuse and abuse the title of God for their own avarice. And we must acknowledge that these men had died and got what they deserved, unless they've repented what they've done in the end. God's will is above all of our intentions, though and therefore it is not right for you to say that God doesn't exist.

1 point

1. God is a being that is greater than what we believe therefore we can not define that he exists with only our knowledge. But we can get close to what we can call 'proove' his existence.


The Noah's Ark, exact dimensions as the bible stated

Wall of Jericho, Mechanical Resonance -> caused the back wall to slide down and fall on top of the front wall

The splitting of the red sea was caused when a wind faster than 63km/h blew for a certain length of time around the same area

Joshua stopping the sun - scientific-proof-for-joshuas-missing-day/

3. The contradictions that are stated in here are, unfortunately, caused due to misinterpretations and incorrect translations. For example the last words of Jesus all mean the same thing: The will of the God is done and Jesus will give up his soul to complete the work of salvation

1 point

God's existence can not just be defined by what we believe in.

There is an unlimited amount of proof coming out showing that the information in the bible is scientifically true.

Also, I would like to know how the bible contradicts itself.

2 points

The existence of man-kind and other living beings can not be defined with science.

Therefore we must adopt the other perspective that there is an omnipotent, omniscient being that created us.

Also, science is proving that there are events in history and in the present which can not be explained unless there is an all-powerful force.

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Blink or Think
Winning Position: Family Guy is Better

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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