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RSS Rdozier

Reward Points:1
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1 point

As I read through your post it is obvious that most of you are well read and have put a lot of thought into your statements, but you all are running around in circle as have the scientific community since the age of Enlightenment. After the Dark ages, in which the Catholic Church had ruled most of the known world, and had committed many atrocities in the name of God. Man decided that they did not need God and have been trying to explain their existence without a maker. Through many theories from evolution to the Big bang theory and many more. The Big Bang Theory, supposedly billions possibly trillions of years ago that space was void of all matter, in other words nothing. Then a giant explosion happened and from that matter formed and so on. The Question is what caused the explosion? There was nothing there, no gases no molecules atoms nothing to cause any kind of reaction. So that implies that something or someone had to put things into action. Evolution _The theory of evolution has many problems. No one can argue that all things change over time that is fact. Humans have changed over the centuries from hair color, skin color, height , strength and intelligence and so on but we are still human. To say man came from apes is contradiction of the evolution theory. The purpose of evolution is to improve survivability. The harsh conditions of the Earth would have dictated otherwise. Apes went from having a nice warm fur to having to kill other animals just to make clothes to keep warm, this does not make since. But let us get back to the real argument. These theories are nothing, but mans attempt to prove that God does not exist so they can do anything that they want and not feel bad. Without God there is no right no wrong it is survival of the fittest. Remember Man has been trying to prove this sense the end of The Dark Age. You would think that after a few hundred years of this we would except the facts, God does exist. You can’t take dead matter and make life it is impossible. So the only logical explanation is that we have a creator.

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