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RSS Relkawsedohr

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Trump/Conservative Hardliner

The Iranian Nuclear deal is a bad idea, for the United States especially. First off, we will lift the sanctions against Iran causing a massive flood of money into the economy. At first, this may look like a good thing, but with a government such as Iran's we have no idea where the money will go in their economy. Furthermore, Iran has a liberal President, Rouhani, in power, but they have an election coming up and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a conservative, is running again and if he wins the elections are relationships is severely strained. He does not like the US at all, and wants us to have no part in their policies. With unpredictable leadership, it is not wise at all for this deal to happen in the interest of our great country, The United States of America.

1 point

what about all the other great members? we simply cannot celebrate one person because there are too many people we cannot celebrate

2 points

The real question is should anything actually be celebrated? Life in America is not always flowers and chocolates, but it is better than most countries. We should celebrate every day we have in this great country, not just certain specific days. Therefore, we should celebrate Grenache's birthday. By saying this, I do think we should celebrate this day in general and how great we all are by popping popcorn and listening to great music like we are doing now. Not happy create debate Birthday Grenache, but simple happy day grenache for living a wonderful life. Celebrate life to fullest everyday and make every day special. Let me restate, his createdebate birthday is not important, this day is important. :)

2 points

We should tolerate intolerance. Our country was built on freedoms that the government cannot take away from us. It is our right to use that power to better our country. Some politicians say we need to limit something, but that is not the American way. America is a place where people can live the life they want to, and say what they want without the fear of being persecuted. If the government tries to take away our rights, then we will offend many people who feel that their rights are infringed on. Henry Louis Gates Jr. said, “Censorship is to art as lynching is to justice.” George Washington said,“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter." If we limit speech, we cannot fight for what we want. Our 1st President said that we need to stand up for what we believe in. If we dont, the government will walk all over us, and turn us slowly into doing whatever they say.

Supporting Evidence: Free Speech (
1 point

The wall would not be a good barrier against immigrants. We already have a wall in some places, and it does not keep them out. The bigger the wall, the bigger the ladders will get. No matter how far wide and deep it is, the wall can not fully keep immigrants out. Also, Mexico is our 3rd biggest partner in trade. If we upset Mexico, we could pay more for imports or lose valueable goods.

2 points

Building a wall and taxing Mexico for it is not a good idea. The wall would not only cut us off from Mexico physically, but also in trade.

First off, the wall is considering being built because of opinions, not the facts. POTUS wants to build the wall to keep illegal immigrants out of America. He thinks they are coming across in droves, and the aliens are stealing our higher paying jobs. This is not true. To start, most aliens come to america through the air. Only a small portion come through the Mexican-US border. Also, not all people coming through the border are Mexican, they are also from Central and South America.

Second, if we tax Mexico the 20%, they turn right back on us and increase their tax on us. This would cause Americans to pay more on Mexican imports. These imports include: cars, machinery, medical instruments, and agriculture. Mexico accounts for $21 billion dollars of America's agriculture being imported in. The tax would also increase the cost of cars, the cost of cars is up 2.6% anyway. Adding more tax, would make less left in our pockets.

The wall is a terrible idea, not only for its physical presence but its economical presence too. The wall will cost Americans money, maybe not to build the wall, but in the increase of taxing on goods from Mexico. Our cost of some essentials like cars and some agriculture will increase causing us to pay more than we do now.

Supporting Evidence: How the 20% tax will cost us (
2 points

TPP is good for not only America, but every country involved. TPP would cause our annual income to increase and GDP to increase. Globalization needs to happen in this world today.

First, TPP would eliminate close to 18,000 tariffs making our exports less costly therefore letting us compete with other nations more. Also, the trade deal would allow us to change with times more than we have, globalization is happening all around us. We need to build these trade bonds to help us have international influence. By knocking down the barrier, the US could compete with the ever-growing Asia-Pacific region. TPP also allows not only the free trade of goods, but with those goods comes ideas. We, as the US, could get our ideas out to the world in an easier and more acceptable manner than now. . Exports account for 13 percent of our GDP, and doing this deal would greatly increase the amount of goods we export causing a growth in GDP. Lastly, the TPP deal would cause pay increases in the export market. Some say exporting job pay could increase as much as 18 percent. The US' 2015 trade deficit was $531 billion dollars in 2015. That means we imported 531 billion dollars worth of goods more than we exported. This number has been increasing for the past 10 years, but TPP can reduce this deficit because we would have more exports going out to other countries.

Now I am not saying this is a perfect and flawless deal by no means. With this amount of powerful countries, there is going to be error and conflict, but the thought of forming a powerful union with 12 countries is too much to pass up. The good of this deal greatly outweighs the bad as we see an increase in our income. We do not need to be a standalone islationist of a country. Trading with other countries fosters growth not only for the US, but the world as a whole.

Supporting Evidence: why TPP is good for the US (

2 days ago

4 points

TPP is good for not only America, but every country involved. TPP would cause our annual income to increase and GDP to increase. Globalization needs to happen in this world today.

First, TPP would eliminate close to 18,000 tariffs making our exports less costly therefore letting us compete with other nations more. Also, the trade deal would allow us to change with times more than we have, the world is constantly changing and we need to keep up with the world around us to keep moving forward. By knocking down the barrier, the US could compete with the ever-growing Asia-Pacific region. TPP also allows not only the free trade of goods, but with those goods comes ideas. We, as the US, could get our ideas out to the world in an easier and more acceptable manner than now. Furthermore, the trade agreement would foster peace between nations we have been historically hostile with, more specifically Japan and Vietnam. Exports account for 13 percent of our GDP, and doing this deal would greatly increase the amount of goods we export causing a growth in GDP. Lastly, the TPP deal would cause pay increases in the export market. Some say exporting job pay could increase as much as 18 percent.

Now I am not saying this is a perfect and flawless deal by no means. With this amount of powerful countries, there is going to be error and conflict, but the thought of forming a powerful union with 12 countries is too much to pass up. The good of this deal greatly outweighs the bad as we see an increase in our income. We do not need to be a standalone islationist of a country. Trading with other countries fosters growth not only for the US, but the world as a whole.

Supporting Evidence: why TPP is good for the US (
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