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RSS Robbie_

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

The news only spreads information that they are given, rarely even having biased opinions. A democracy can't see your information on any sort of media and can't spread any of your information. A democracy is only a system of government, it can't affect your personal identity or information and it can't affect the media/news.

1 point

But most biases don't cause an effective thought process even with research done. Former president Trump for example, people wanted him out of the whitehouse and fast. Barely anyone did their research on Joe Biden and they only voted on him to get rid of Trump and the nation is currently on a downfall as gas prices have been increased and multiple laws have been passed on that mainly goes to a specific group of people, even with stimulus checks that haven't been given to those who were promised a check. People let bias take over research or actual information.

1 point

There could also be miscommunication that can spread false information or create a false narrative of whatever the situation. There's a need for credible sources for this stuff but even then someone's personal bias can affect the information they give.

3 points

Yes because while media can change things up and give uncredited information, there's still people out there that are willing to spread their word and give information about their democracy.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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