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RSS Ronni

Reward Points:23
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7 most recent arguments.
6 points

i believe in evolution. it's much more believable then some man in the sky making a man out of dirt and clay or whatever

1 point

which ever side doesn't lose!!!!!XD if you think about it it's very true.

7 points

first of all, pick up your bible. if you are against this "sin" you shouldn't descriminate against "fags" as you say (which shows just how small minded you are) because if you won't associate with homosexuals then you can't "bring them to the lord". saying homosexuality caused those things is like saying christianity caused those things too. if you're going to say something make sure you're right.

10 points

I think that there isn't a single person that can be judged. if you're a guy you don't choose to be attracted to women. right? I dont think anyone should be told who they can or can't be with. you have the right to be with whoever you want, and you shouldn't be judged for it. i feel that homosexuals should be able to mary. and for realigious people. you say it's a sin to be homosexual, in the bible it says if you judge you'll be condimed to hell. so once my sexualality condems me i'll see you there for your judgement.

2 points

i don't think it's right to kill an unborn child. they did't even get the chance to experience life. they have fingernails within the first month. it's murder. they have a heartbeat within as little as 18 days.

2 points

i think there's nothing wrong with it. after all it's their life and their body. if they don't wana have kids they don't have to. it's not selfish at all. it's wrong to force pregnancy upon someone.

0 points

i think that women are superior because, if you think about it every man in power has a women backing him up. in every great act there was a women involved. if you think about it every man is here because a women birthed him.

Ronni has not yet created any debates.

About Me

"I love classic rock. i find the idea of god unrealistic. im gay. i love to dance. im very funny. im sarcastic. and extremely blunt. i am a bitch and im not afraid to admit it. as long as you're not stupid or obnoxious then i'll have no problem with you."

Biographical Information
Name: rachel short
Gender: Girl
Age: 13
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 46120
Religion: Agnostic
Education: High School

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