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RSS Royee12

Reward Points:10
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Changing the very structure of an ecosystem can have harmful effects on an environment. In the same that killing a population can hurt an ecosystem, creating an excess amount of organisms can have irreversible effects. Nature should be allowed to conduct itself how it wants naturally.

1 point

It is not right to debase the life of a clone to support the original. The procedure in itself is immoral for it violates the essential rights of liberty for a human.

2 points

So the clone's life has less meaning because it is simply used to supply the original? Debasing the clone's life is immoral, violating human rights.

1 point

In scene, we cannot afford the lives of originals and clones for what you "feel". There needs to be a point where we have to stop cloning and cease this immoral behavior.

7 points

5000 points for Gryffindor! David is correct in that people will soon have no need to reproduce, since cloning is just as easy.

3 points

Lauren is right! Cloning not only makes the clone inferior to the original, but also debases the individuality of the original.

5 points

Cloning is immoral, expensive, and can fall into the wrong hands. The main reason why cloning is unaccepted by many is that it is not right that scientists can "play God" and control the traits of a person. Stem-cell research is expensive, requiring many trials and errors. (Dolly the Sheep was the 276th attempt). Lastly, cloning may fall into the wrong hands. Political leaders, whether good or bad, may be cloned. Murderers and other criminals can be cloned to continuously commit crimes. All in all, cloning is unjust and should stop

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