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RSS Rugby1

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Tell me how the Chinese plan to shoot down ALL of the US and European military satellites. Plus if China did do that we would just shoot their missile down and then shoot down China's military satellites. Also our subs are much, much more advanced than the military lets on and would utterly stomp the China fleet. Also every single one of our airplanes, subs, carriers, and tanks can easily function without satellites; saying it would be a major blow is ridiculous. Our jets would be able to fly into Chinese airspace and not get shot down, dude we still have better stealth aircraft then the Chinese have stealth detection. As for the cyber soldiers, America has just as good if not better cyber soldiers than the Chinese do along with better firewalls, training, and technology.

2 points

Woah the more people you let in the military the more people you have to fight a much larger army.

1 point

Plus if we do go to war with China we will more than likely have veterans that have actually fought in a war going against rookies in the war department.

1 point

Well all we really have to do is take out their military, factories, and basically their economy. If we do that and then just leave, who cares what China thinks of us, It'll take them decades to rebuild and when they do we will again be much more advanced in military technology there will be no hope for China to catch up.

1 point

Really do you know nothing of international politics. Japan hates China and has hated them since the two countries first met.

2 points

Are you kidding me the US has stopped using major carpet bombing back in the 70's. Now we have laser guided bombs that can hit one building in between hundreds. Even the carpet bombing used to wipe out tank columns is now all guided by electronics

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