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RSS Ryukenhadoke

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2 points

As a middle-easterner, allow me to expand your very dim horizons

- "Ray Bans" "Armani" - all counterfeit or smuggled into the country at some point. It was quite common around there. When I was younger, I bought 3 "Versace" t shirts for around $15.

- "Well groomed beard" - Middle Easterners are a people of hair stylists and barbers. It's not hard to get a trim from your pal.

- $100 dollar hairdo - a jar of Pertoleum based hair gel around there is maybe $1, $2 if its "better" quality. Also quite common.

- "A fit young man at home fighting IS" - because that's the only problem they're all dealing with? You think IS has planes and are dropping TNT barrels on entire cities? Like you do know this is a pretty complicated war, right?

-"It annoys me when people say that the low lives from the failed nations of the world jump ship like rats and let others do the fighting for them." - maybe literally none of the sides who are fighting regardless of whether they're US backed or Russian backed or Al-Qaeda backed are actually trustworthy with giving the country a good future? Maybe it's just a bunch of dogs barking and biting each other? Maybe taking any side doesn't seem like a good option? Why would anyone stick around at that point?

See, the typical arrogance of the west is that they can compare everyone else's experience with their own experience and simply assume what ethics or morals everyone else ought to deal with, regardless of ever actually having been educated about their background or ever gone through an ordeal like it themselves.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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