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RSS Sammorrisuk

Reward Points:1
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1 point

Create debate? We're better than you are, ner, ner, ner, ner-ner....

"Why do you think they need to be ranked hierarchically?

Because that is the purpose of this debate."

This is not debate. It is a playground argument. Women and men are two sides of a coin. They have diverging behavioral traits in certain areas because that is what happens in nature. It is a result of sexual reproduction which, by the way, without which we would not exist. Why would both the male and female of the same species be physically large for example, it would be pointless as is shown quite well by a casual glance at the rest of nature. Where these divergences and specialisms occur, women and men are want to look at their "superior qualities" and cat call at the "other side".

There is no other side. We are on the same side, where one sex may have weakness, the other invariable has strength. It is called equilibrium and it is on of the main driving forces of, well.... every process in reality.

We are animals that evolved to be the way we are as a result of small genetic advantages becoming bigger, the idea that there is a moral element to this, that somehow one could be better than the other. It is as idiotic as arguing that a ball is better than a tennis racket. You could of course argue all day on this subject but at the end of it, it is a pointless argument, there is still no game without both.

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