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RSS Sammspiess

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

So if a 13 year old is raped, you think she should be forced to have this child and face the emotional toll it will have on her, I don't think you realize that teenagers are mean they will point and stare and make the girl feelterribleabout something she has no control over,the 13 year old did not ask to be raped or to get pregnant she did not want it to happen to her let alone the fact that a 13 year old does not have the body to carry a child full term without severe stress inflicted upon her. As a man I really think you have no right to judge wethar a woman should be allowedto have an abortion or not. Also what about severly disabeled children,fetuses that will be born with nolimbs or terrible deformities and pain that will leadtoa terrible and short life you think these children should be born to live a painful life?

2 points

As humans we have rights, freedom of speech which allows things like debates to happen, we also have the right to choose what happens to our own body. But the main argument for abortion infact is human rights. The rights of the unborn fetus and wethat or not the fetus even has rights. It all comes down to science, there are certian characteristics that classifys a living organism as "human", and during the very early stages of development in which a run of the mill abortion can be performed the embryo lacks these charecteristics so although it is a living thing,it is not human and does not have human rights. things such as being able to feed on its own, the dependance of fetus classifys it in science as not living during the stages of abortion where a suction curettage can be performed.

Catholics belive that life begins at conception meaning when the sperm meets the egg, but the reality is that conception is just that,a sperm meeting an egg very close to the sperm and the egg being by themselves but the sperm has fertalized the egg instead of being poured into a sock and hidden under a pile of laundry Although the sperm fertilizing the egg does mean the fetus is in the process of becoming a human,abortions happen at such an early stage that is it pre-human. Saying abortion is wrong because it is denying a life is the same as aying we're denying a life everytime we have a period or jack off, both the sperm ands the egg like the fetus during the time where an abortion can be safely performed

are pre stages of human life and therefore not human and not killing a human life, you dont feel bad about a period the same as you shouldn't about abortion.

If that still hasn't convinced you consider the women..

Before you go to your local abortion clinic and shoot up some doctors(killing people to prove killing is wrong,hm?) Think of the fact that no one plans an abortion. When it comes down to it all it is the womens choice wether she wants to have an abortion or not, it is her body,not yours,not the government, hers, and as a human thather fetus is not she has the right to choose what happens to her body. Having a child puts a tremendous amount of stress on your body and a woman shouldn't have to go through that for a childshe doesn't even want. If the woman chooses to have the abortion or not it is still going to take a huge toll on her emotially. Nobody plans on an unwanted pregnancy but still the woman will feel terrible about the decision to abort it, and if she has the child it like the abortion will have an impact on her life forver.

Sothe next time you choose to state youropinionon how abortion wrong to somebody whos thinking of having one please realize its not your choice.many woman who are against abortion have had an abortion and all woman prolife or not will continue to do so if it really is last resort. Even if the woman has this unwanted child her and the childs life will be negatively impacted in a huge way. The woman wont make the baby her priority leading to a messy pregnancy and complications in the chillds life forever.

wether you're prochoice or not please remember its really not your choice unless it is you with the unwanted child.

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