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RSS Shirotora92

Reward Points:3
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

Of course war is necessary. However, it is not evil. It helps boost the economy of nations involved (except in certain cases [generally civil wars]) and often leads to the betterment of the government of the losing nation. The American Civil War was necessary because most Southerners were, at that time, too stubborn to listen to the Northerners. The Vietnam War, while not won by America, was necessary to create more jobs in America (and we got the 26th Amendment out of that, too!!). World War II (do I need to go into this?) was necessary because Adolf Hitler would not listen to reason and attacked his fellow European nations.

I believe my argument is valid and that my information stands.

1 point

You can't claim that as proof. I saw the original story long ago. It was

"happiness = timemoney

marriage = happiness, so marriage = timemoney

time is money, so marriage = money*money

money is the (square) root of all evil

so, marriage = evil"

so you are trying to use a joke as your argument. You, person, have failed. Humankind is not "evil" save by perception. I recognize that there is no "right" or "wrong" except where percieved, so there is no good or evil.

1 point

People will tell you we're "born in sin" and all that BS, but people are born with a moral sense of what is right and wrong. Being amoralist, I don't believe there really is a good or bad, or right or wrong, or yen or yang. But people try to do what is required of them for their percieved betterment of the world.

2 points

What does not exist can not be good. And this "god" does not exist. Thus, "he" can NOT be good.

5 points

I believe you are thinking of emos, which are generally considered "whiny-new-age-hippies" without jobs and have life handed to them. Goths simply listen to good music, wear a single color (generally black or white) and hate conformity.

5 points

Goths are not evil. I know some goths, and they are very kind. They have a different perspective on life, and we should allow them that. They are not evil.

3 points

Ninja wins. Hands down.

They're faster, live longer, and, if you're referring to pop-culture, they got cool threads.

3 points

Ninjas: carry many weapons


must keep clean and smell good

can go into any town without being attacked

have secret identities

actually have a pretty long life span

Pirates: loud



can't go anywhere without being attacked

the cool ones died out a long time ago

had an incredibly short life span (about 2 years at sea)

carried countless diseases

most likely smelled horrible

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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