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RSS Sighwren

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I have smoked for 22 years and am having a terrible time quitting. It is a nasty habit. There is nothing good about tobacco. It is proven that it kills thousands of people yearly. How can tobacco companies get away with killing people knoingly. Isn't that murder. Anyone else who knowingly kills another person let alone thousands upon thousands of them would be charged with 1st degree murder. What makes these people any better. Oh, that's right it's because the government makes millions on taxing cigarettes so they will just look past the whole killing people thing. Prescription drugs that have adverse affects get recalled, so why not tobacco. It's not right to purposefully go around getting people hooked on something you know damn well will be almost impossible for many of them to quit and will kill tonz of people nad anyone who can do that for a living to make a profit off of someone else's suffering should be embarrassed to be a human being, and should not be allowed to keep doing this to people for one more second. And the government should be ashamed for allowing this to go on for so long. They are all putting money before peoples lives. Shame on you all.

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