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RSS Skipsaweirdo

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

The challenge doesn't expose an illogical idea in regards to the concept of omnipotence. The challenge itself is illogical. It treats God as if God were human...(that's a straw man)..I.e. That a god that can create a rock must also be limited to the human thing known as lifting.

1 point

The phrasing of the question uses a semantic deflection...

Define the terms....

Make=create? If so then...(if you disagree please explain)

Lift=(what is defined as lifting to peoples perceptions) example could be NASA using the term liftoff. That is essentially lifting an object from Earths surface to the moon. So the object was lifted , rockets lifted the objects in question2. Agree?!

So, God creates a rock and by definition the act of creating includes the ability to "uncreate". Agreed?

God creates the rock in texas

God "uncreates" the rock

God creates the same rock again, this time on the moon.

Simply removing the word lift, which plays a semantic role in the so called paradox, exposes the idiocy of the challenge.

So one concludes logically that create includes what humans perceive as lift as well as making the rock.

The paradox itself is a straw man of God because it defines God in human terms. A God doesn't need to "lift" things like people do so to assert that God lifts to achieve the same goal as humans contradicts what God is, hence the straw man.

skipsaweirdo(3) Clarified
1 point

Is the debate....Hell is an eternal place for torment or if people will be in hell for eternity?

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