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RSS Sonotbiast

Reward Points:24
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Any larger age difference in their life can be harmful and should be avoided?

That is such a narrow minded way to look at it. What if you know the person they're dating really well as they are a family friend or you met them and they appear to be genuine. Of course with anyone theres always a risk that they could be dodgy, I mean some preists have proven to be rapists in the past. BUT the point I am trying to make is that maturity differs depending on the person and you shouldn't judge purely on age.

1 point

If you're bored of it then why click on it in the first place...

1 point

No, P.E is not efficient because although it's compulsory for most school years many people still sit out and refuse to do the exercise or get their parents to write a note excusing their child from P.E. And how is sitting on the side line watching everyone else (making people feel insecure) efficient?

1 point

Yes, P.E CAN be stressful and competitive but it actually helps the mind. Exercise releases a hormone called "endorphins" which is a feel good chemical that can also help deal with depression.

1 point

Yes meat does have protein but so do many other types of foods. And when i say mean, I mean MANY. Even some sodas have small amounts of protein. Plus, too much protein will turn to fat. Too much fat then equals obesity. And obesity as we all know often results in an early death.

1 point

How does mediation make you realize the finer things in life? I mean yes it is good for the mind and body but realizing the finer things in life?

How is it going to make children realize the joys of nature? I mean you can meditate anywhere, which could even be in a dark room...and one is not realizing the joys of nature when in a dark room meditating.

P.E provides many different activities which to a lot of children is very stimulating. Where as meditation is quite restricting, there's only one thing to do and that's meditate. Unlike with P.E. With P.E, there's running, soccer, basketball etc.

1 point

Meditation can benefit the body, I agree. However, it should not replace P.E. Here are the reasons why:

1. It will be hard to get children and teenagers to meditate properly. Yes some will, but i can guarantee that many will either laugh, talk or protest against it as it is an activity which involves remaining calm and silent.

2. P.E helps maintain fitness, and fitness is part of sustaining a healthy body. Obesity and many other conditions are apparent and if meditation gets preference then those conditions will become even MORE apparent. And sick people costs money. Who pays for them to go to hospital? The tax payer. Yes, i am aware that some people will still exercise if your proposition was enforced BUT P.E encourages exercise, without it less children will be being taught about exercising which (as stated previously) is likely to add to the obesity rate (and other conditions too, such as diabetes.)

Displaying 5 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, it is better now
Tied Positions: No, they shouldn't vs. Yes, they should
Winning Position: Yes, it should be
Winning Position: Beauty IS skin deep

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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