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RSS Steph2373

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

Although there's millions around the world who disagree because of "miracles", they have no proof that any of their gods exist. Science has more than enough proof to back up their theories, but all Theists have is what they read in books and what elders have told them.

1 point

I know they say you're supposed to have three meals a day with one or two snacks, but I really have like a snack for brunch then have dinner. I don't normally eat breakfast, unless I have some really great cereal.

1 point

I'm not sure how many of you really think that Hitler was an Atheist or Catholic or whatever, but if you would do your research before you post idiotic stuff like this, we would all be in a much better place. In different books and research studies, it shows for a fact that he was born to Catholic parents, but some say that he was Christian, and others say that he frown upon the Christian belief. You can't just automatically join together a belief with someone who is looked down on by a lot of people. Not all Atheists are bad. I, for one, love to do charity work because I love to see their smiling faces when I help make things that much easier for them. Wanting Atheists separated from the rest of the human race is like me saying that I want Christians separated because they believe in a false deity, and have no proof over all the "miracles" that occur in their lives. It would be best to just accept everyone as they are, and to see who they are underneath the religion and skin color.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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