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RSS Tanshiyi98

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

But it was those users who uses it wrongly. Technology was made for us to enjoy and not do harmful things to people so I say it was users who made use of technology to bully people in the world today

2 points

Same goes to you. What if your parents are overseas and something happen at home? Let's say there's no phone, you can still email to your parents to let them know what happen and in the fastest way

2 points

Things were much more easier and simple in the past. We can just visit our friends next door as they stay near to us. But even so, they still hav abit of technology in the past. They haves house phones to contact with the people they but then, it hard for them to contact the people they want from other countries. Even though they can write letters to them, it will spent days for the letter to reach the person's hand and also take a few days for the recipient to receive back his/her letter. But with technology, people can easily send an email and receive a reply a few hours later

2 points

Technology has helped many people in their everyday life. Some of the few examples are writing an email to a friend or penpal. Nowadays, many people uses the computer to either go to Facebook or twitter just to socialize with people or even chat and interact with their friends or families. Without technology,it make it hard for people to contact the people they want or even socialize and make friends with people from other countries.

2 points

technology helps people to find out about the things that are happening outside the world

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About Me

"Greyson Chance <3 My one and only one :)"

Biographical Information
Name: tan shi yi
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: Singapore
Postal Code: 650346
Religion: Buddhist
Education: High School

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