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RSS Tarantula101

Reward Points:21
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8 most recent arguments.
2 points

you got that right, Billie jeans is probably the best song by michael jackson

3 points

men are capable of shooting out white stuff....whether bitten by radioactive spiders or not=D

Lonely Island

I totally concur with you, video games cant possibly drive anyone to do that that was all the newspapers were bumbling about when this happened, seriously the journos are full of bullshit sometimes*.... They were misunderstood teenagers, the bullying might have caused them to turn to violent video games, possibly because the brutal acts in those video games were the exact representation of what they wanted to do to those bullies. Its just really sad, and I guess we all need to be a little hippy, call it corny or whatever. Its easy to label Harris and Klebold as maniacs for what they did but they were not the only ones responsible for it.

But then its stupid...what, the girl/guy has to bleed throughout the whole thing...thats seriously sick !!...well Van Helsing, it did include vampiric procreation and had nothing about using blood to attain sperm my point is that twilight had major errors in it and it totally refutes the vampiric legend that we all grew up listening to and LOVED sooo much!!!

4 points

NO vampires don't have functioning genitaliaat least thats what the books says.....according to Meyers vampire need blood to bring their sperms to life, otherwise they are totally sterile dunno where she gets all this stuff from??

Amen to that...Batman does not even stand a freaking chance!!

Definitely Iron Man, he has got a powered suit of armor which is ladened with totally cool weapons whereas our friendly neighbourhood spider man is no offense* just a wimp!!

Jason Voorhees over zombies and Krueger any day. The guy is diabolically insane and probably the coolest killer I have ever seen

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: 5 movies that you regret watching
Winning Position: I'd rather watch my dog poop!

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Dude
Age: 42
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Education: High School

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