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RSS Tdizzle

Reward Points:123
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

The picture is clearly not ghetto...theres not enough trash/litter in the grass.

Why its been a bad day

1. I couldn't get my dollar weave untangled so I could glue it back in my head

2. That bitch laquanisha tried hollaing at my man, roight, so I played nice or whatever then we go on the swings,roight, what dat bitch aint kno is dat I had broke the swing earlier so her goof ass would fall off

3. Then I went to do double dutch and my wig fell owf in front of everybody

4. Then I went to pick up my son treshell from daycare

"Why it gotta be so hard for a 14 year old white girl...I just dont know"

1 point

Are you serious??? When people hear voices thats called schizophrenia not christianity...another one of those debates meant to ruffle feathers (new topic already).

2 points

Yes, but it can be viewed on the flip side as well. No one likes when their view of the world isn't agreed with, both "religious" and non-religious people gripe over their view points. I often find myself in the middle, believing in God, but not having the time for lack of acceptance and "religious" hypocrisy.

1 point

For the simple fact that I need an example.

so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

I agree with you, of course bullying should be dealt with more. At the same time, bullying has always been around...always will be. A lot of children today don't seem to have very good emotional coping skills to deal with the situation.

2 points

What Rich People do Black or White

1.Tax Evasion

2. Buy Big houses

3.Buy fancy cars

4. Make a song even if they can't sing

5. Try a Business Venture that fails about 75% of the time

So no not really, just seem to be more grateful, then get really arrogant....Just like white people.

1 point

Not if the guy/girl is just a sperm/egg donor, but if they were in a relationship and had the child together yes.

1 point

Yea...Wait what am i agreeing to...let me search this person...okay i see ladyparks...Please let that be a typo...either that or I'm a lesbian now.

1 point

Learning different cultures is important for development. I learned Japanese in middle school and Spanish in high school, though I didn't keep practicing so that I can retain the language...I do know some words.

1 point

I don't need to learn no mexicania, or chinanian when i can speak that clear english. They need to lern our language, I aint goin no where but the USA.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: There will always be strife
Tied Positions: I Need The Real Thing vs. I'd Eat It
Winning Position: Tie em' Up
Winning Position: Sit down and Relax
Winning Position: I Like My Rape Silent
Winning Position: Sure why not?
Winning Position: I think you're on to something

About Me

"Well, i would take like long walks on the beach but there aren't any in Iowa. I like violent games where you get to shoot ppl in the face, but i've never been in a fight because im nice (pretty sure i could kick ass like a ninja). Im married so i no longer have any friends. I believe in God but i dont believe in smothering everyone else with it (mostly cuz i dont care what you have to say about it). Im generally pretty great... and pretty... and funny... and apparently narcissistic."

Biographical Information
Gender: Lady
Age: 32
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States

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