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10 most recent arguments.
3 points

Truthfully? I don't know what I believe, but I can reverse your statement. Theists continue to believe, after ample proof from atheists in the non-existence of God....

2 points

I completely believe that religion restricts it. It may be true that as Americans, we "technically" have freedom of religion. But if you fall into certain denominations, or believe certain things, than the rest of the world makes fun of you for it. How is that freedom? Also, within your certain faith, you are expected to follow a very specific set of rules and regulations, do certain things, don't do certain things, and believe in a specific way. Once you use your "freedom" to choose your religion, that same freedom is gone.

That is a big thing for me....I believe in a lot of the morals taught in the Bible, but do I really think a man was swallowed by a whale for three days, somehow survived, and was the spit out on the land he was supposed to preach at? No, I don't. And as far as things like Creation and all that go, there's too much science that is based on PROVEN FACTS for me to believe the Bible in that aspect....lastly, things like Noah's Ark....sure, there have been fossils of fish found on mountain tops, but with global warming having been a problem for God knows how long and plates shifting and stuff...who's to say those mountains weren't once under sea level in those parts of the world?

Haha, alright man haha.....what shall we debate first? Since we're both on the same side this may be rather difficult :p

2 points

Everyone has their own idea of a Heaven, a Hell, whatever. Even I do, and I'm completely agnostic. Here's what I believe... some people apparently go to Purgatory, when it is unsure rather they belong in Heaven or Hell. This is where that is decided. I think that EVERYONE goes to Purgatory, and it is nothing more than life on Earth. There is no separate place, how you live while you're here decides where you go when you die. It's that simple. I don't believe that hell is an actual place. Everyone thinks of it as a fiery pit, when to me its just death, with no afterlife. If you were a horrible person while on Earth, "Purgatory," you're left to lie in the ground and rot away, you will never know anything else. Also, I don't believe in Heaven as one universal place. I think that, if humans live their life well, and were good people, they go to their own PERSONAL Heaven. That is, they are given the things in life that they held dearest to their heart. Maybe, surrounded by their favorite foods and pass times, spending everyday with the people that meant the most to them...but that's just me. What do you guys think? Do you believe in the Heaven and Hell of the Bible, do you have your own idea? Or do you not believe at all?

I completely think that we are. Every war in any other country, rather or not it even involves us, we put ourselves into in order to establish some sense of dominance. However, I feel like America is getting too caught up in it's pride, and our government/military is not seeing what they're doing to themselves. The list of countries that despise is is quickly growing larger than our list of allies. We're getting to a point where I feel that a WWIII would be America vs. the rest of the world. Pretty well every other country, however much they may respect our "power," truthfully hates us and will eventually become tired of us....

Rather or not there even is a HEAVEN is also may think gays are vile, but the Bible says God does.....and if he forgives us all, then why do Christians try to live perfect lifes? Cant we do anything and just ask for forgiveness, clearing us of all guilt? You got that God gave his only son from the Bible....well you also said that hell is debatable....the Bible ALSO says that it you, or do you not believe the Bible?

3 points

I don't think God is all-loving....gays wouldn't be thought of as vile, there would be no hell, I have to say more?

2 points

Only when people are stupid....there was a documentary I watched a couple years ago that talked about how heavy metal bands brainwashed kids into thinking that it was okay to kill their parents and friends, stuff like that, and that's completely ignorant to me. It's the same with video games. Yes, sometimes video games do cause kids to behave violently, but only when they take what they see literally. They watch someone kill a guy on a game, and think somehow that it's okay, so they try it themselves. It's like a child. He sees a race on TV, think it's cool, and goes to get his Hot Wheels to pretend that he's having a race himself. However, if a teenaged goes out and kills someone because their video game character's not a problem with the game, it's a problem with the kid.

2 points

I'm gonna go with pro-life, but in all honestly I'm torn in one situation. If someone has sex, and they get pregnant, it's completely their fault. Even if they don't want a kid, they should at least have the baby and put it up for adoption or something. It's not the child's fault you got pregnant, don't punish it and take away it's life. But, if someone were to get raped and get pregnant from THAT.....obviously they didn't want a kid, and didn't have sex in that situation, abortion would be a sensible option...

Displaying 6 most recent debates.

Tied Positions: Religion vs. Reason
Winning Position: What is the after life, afterall?
Winning Position: Is God truly all-loving?
Winning Position: Pro-choice
Winning Position: Should the Death Penalty be legalized everywhere....or banished everywhere?

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Guy
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Religion: Agnostic
Education: High School

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