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RSS Trumpet_guy

Reward Points:503
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10 most recent arguments.
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

I agree. That was part of the whole point of the New Testament, and what the physical miracles Jesus did were symbolic of. Changing the human heart to be blameless before men in such a way that it was proof.

trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

I agree Christian's need to actually be "little Christ's" more and really don't apply what they preach alot. 1st Century church Apostle Paul addressed this.

1 Corinthians 15:34 KJV

Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

I'm guessing you believe in old earth creationism? Why do you believe it, and how would you prove God to an unbeliever?

trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

What would you call substantial proof? What would convince you that God exists?

trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

Why do you say you know Christianity is not true? Just seeing how you think.

Except it wasn't just decomposing bodies and it wasn't just "avoid them" and slight aversion. During the Middle Ages when the Black Plague happened people had NO CONCEPT of disease control and because of this people thought sickness was caused by an unbalance of "humors" or quadrants you can think of. Later a singular doctor had an idea of disease "jumping" but he still had no idea how disease worked because he started the famous Plague Doctor suit with the beak. Which he would wear EVERYWHERE and carry the disease with him, spreading it along with whatever doctors believed his theory and used his suit.

With that being said the Mosiac Law came 2000+ years before the Black Plague and is the first ever recorded use of the quarantine. Ever. And the wording used isn't "yeah you should probably do this if you want". No it was "we are all going to die if you don't do this". There's also alot more than just avoiding dead bodies and obvious disease, you should actually read it sometime.

Anyways my point is NOT that there's irrefutable evidence of God, my point is outright saying there is 0% chance of an existential power existing is just not true and intellectually dishonest and actually a logical fallacy (argument from ignorance).

You fuckwits make a conscious, subjective decision to believe in a bunch of bullshit written mostly from word-of-mouth myths concerning some other barbaric fuckwits from 4000 years ago in one of the most deprived and violent parts of the planet, on nothing more than faith, without a single shred of evidence.

For "backwards fuckwits from 4000 years ago" they seem to have some pretty comprehensive understanding of disease control, more so than any other nation at the time. Like separating people from the camp when they were sick, washing when someone touched something dead or diseased. Pretty good considering hand washing wasn't even a thing till the 1800's. Almost like a transcendent being with advanced knowledge on the subject gave it to them.

Thank you for ignoring the important paragraph:

Separate but the same person at the same time. This is confusing for many but have you ever read a book called Flatland? It presents a two-dimensional world. In this world all things that exist are two dimensional and observe it's own world in one dimension. Meaning shapes would appear as lines and you would discern distance and separation of bodies by shading. If a three-dimensional object was to go through this world, for example a hand, it could exist in multiple parts of the world, appear as separate entities, but still exist as a single object in reality. This is a good way to understand the Trinity. It's still incomplete but its much better than the egg or states of matter illustrations that are used.

The trinity is, as the religious claim, indivisible. So

You argument relies on false premise. It's forcing a view that the religious do not have, unless you are limiting your view to the Unitarian view, which is not the representative majority of Christianity. Your view of the Trinity is that they do not share separate person in anyway. Separateis the important part of the trinity that is partly but not entirely explained in the above paragraph.

Makes no sense.

Thank you for stating this again without explaining why this makes no sense.

2 points

I've read all your arguments. If someone brings up a real point your argument reduces to name-calling.

If God paid the price for our sins, then whom did he pay it to?

I guess you're operating based on the assumption the Trinity doesn't exist with this one? Meaning either God had to pay to a higher power or He is irrational? I would adknowledge your argument if the Trinity wasn't evident throughout Scripture but it is.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all one, this is known as the trinity. The three in one. Separate but the same person at the same time. This is confusing for many but have you ever read a book called Flatland? It presents a two-dimensional world. In this world all things that exist are two dimensional and observe it's own world in one dimension. Meaning shapes would appear as lines and you would discern distance and separation of bodies by shading. If a three-dimensional object was to go through this world, for example a hand, it could exist in multiple parts of the world, appear as separate entities, but still exist as a single object in reality. This is a good way to understand the Trinity. It's still incomplete but its much better than the egg or states of matter illustrations that are used.

With the Trinity, God the Son pays the price set by God the Father and meets the requirement He Himself set.

2 points

I believe this is under the fallicy of "false premise". How was Jesus conquering death rebellion against God? Have you ever read the Bible? Like ever? Christ's death was the Father's will, that's the entire point of His prayer in the garden. Christ's "conquering death" was fullfilling the payment for sin, which is death. Since Jesus is of infinite worth because He is God, he can pay an infinite payment for an infinite amount of people. It's not going against God's will, it's actually God will.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Week-long Creation
Tied Positions: Helping Yourself vs. Helping Others
Winning Position: No, youre wrong
Winning Position: Seperation of Church and State
Winning Position: still unfair
Winning Position: makes no sense
Winning Position: Is there still hope for free will in neuroscience?
Winning Position: yes

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Alec 
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Protestant
Education: High School

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