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Reward Points:20
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9 most recent arguments.
2 points

I believe that god is everywhere, or at least some definition of god. If you are part of any religion (or have had exposure to religion). Friends of mine that say they don't believe in religion do believe in some sort of "higher being" or a god.

Truthfully though, I also have had an experience that makes me believe in ghosts.

1 point

Did you say tasty? I gues if you like watereddown pi$$...........however in a pinch I would have some....

1 point

Why not keep monies in credit unions instead? Most have coverage up to $500K instad of the $100K the FDIC covers.................

1 point

The FDIC cannot really bail out a bank. The truth is that any bank would break them. It is a sticker on a building to make old money feel good about the bank. It is not insurance, all they do is knock on uncle sam's door or arrange a take over. A real insurance company has to pay not involve other entities........

0 points
TO be 100% honest, I have been to about 5 weddings and they all had one. I don't think it is tacky, I think it might be tradition.
1 point
Hey both are not good beers, however, if I HAD to choose Miller wins hands down. Have you ever had a sada at a fast food place? You know when the soda taste like it is running out of syrup? Thats what Bud and Bud Light taste like.
-6 points
-3 points
0 points
I know Bud has better advertising, more market share........I guess yeah if I wanted to drink watered-down beer than I would go with bud or bud light. Miller taste much better, not even close.....
Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Is it real protection
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: NO!!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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