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RSS Twinsmominmn

Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.

How? What has he done to "hurt business"? I've heard this many times, but have yet to hear specific examples of how.

I find this to be complete nonsense. The only fees I have to pay are tabs each year and a new license every 4 years. I don't feel it is too much to keep my license valid, and I am definitely not wealthy. There are alternative forms of transportation besides cars.

2 points

I don't understand why this was ever a problem. A person's sexual orientation has nothing to do with their ability to defend their country.

The Tea Party is starting to lose credibility because of it's extremist views. I think most of the candidates they elected last November will be voted out next year.

2 points

This made me laugh out loud, literally. What a crock of BS. I am so tired of Republicans calling themselves "patriots" while fighting against everything presented to attempt to help the country and not hurt it more.

Of what? Ignorance and hyperbole would be the only things I can think of.

2 points

How so? How would we be better off with one of the GOP clowns in office?

4 points

Unless the GOP can come up with a candidate with a real chance of beating Obama, he will no doubt be re-elected.

Why not? Who are they hurting by getting married? Nobody.

Do people really think it is the president's fault the unemployment rate in this country is so high?

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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