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RSS Uchiha

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Yes China can be defeated. To do so, first begin by limiting its economy power.

For the Western world powers or the Global stability,

1. Limit Economic power of Russia, India and China. (?) They are pretty closed and we surely not attacked each other if possible.

2. Deprive them of economic powers and no technological advancements will be made by them

3. Stop sending US companies to building massive technological projects in these countries. US economy downfall is largely due to China massive outputs due to cheap labors where most countries turn to China for production and in the end providing free technologies for them

4. With economy deprivation, focus on splitting their lands. Use all the pretexts and excuses you can come up with and split it up. Don't let Taiwan fall in the hands of China or more troubles will arise. Don't increase South Koreans technology as well.

5. If possible limit all exports on nuclear materials to any countries. USA should purchase them all.

6. Focus on the Middle East issue and not too much on the Human Rights issue in China, India or Russia. We all know they are crap.

7. Get as much oil from oil rich Arab or Brunei countries. How? Make them lose money. You can try war like Iraq. Send in teams to extract the oil out as much as possible. Create as much instability as possible in the country and don't let them get independence. Drain them dry in return for food and water but not technological advancements like weapons or computer systems. IRAN and PAKISTAN are big examples of that. IRAN is seeking weapons upgrade and PAKISTAN is seeking computer and technological systems upgrade.

8. Watch out for UAE, weaken their economy as much as possible best still to the rock bottom and also watch the big S: Saudi Arabia. Allies? Yeah right, you give them cash, they send terrors to your land. Not direct way though.

9. Now with oil secure and less economic output for oil with high input for oil then it is stable.

10. Yah Africa needs help but they spend time killing and piracy. Just get their resources out from this country. Too much efforts to help this country.

11. NOW back to the 3 countries issues: China, Russia n India.

12. Take them 3 out at the same time, will be suicide.

13. One at a time, start with India first, let Europe take down Russia. Slowly deprive India of Economic power and make sure none of their wealthiest get into any of the Forbes list. Guard well against their economy as Indians are good in bargains and businesses.

14. Once weakened, focus all out on China, India being poor now will have no threat and in due time can be used against China if needed.

15. China output production is SCARY LIKE HELL UNLEASHED. First target by reducing China products worldwide. Don't let US companies setup bases in China as technology will be lost or given free to China in this process.

16. Bycott China goods but not too obvious due to political reasons. Make sure the products from China in US markets are not selling well and due to that, will be returned back to China or goods are not up to standard or have safety issues.

17. Watch out for subsidaries companies as parental companies will bypass this weakness like the UAE bought the UK shipping company in recent which contain USA ports. That is a dangerous sale move for US and UK. US government should intervene and buy the ports of UK.

18. Limit the 3 countries companies from setting up too much in US or Europe

19. Now focus on creating political and cultural unrest in these 3 countries and step in to intervene using pretexts if possible.

20. Setup bases to monitor them but not to get involved too much. Also setup companies in their lands to drain resources.

21. Ensure all these 3 countries have no high or strong sustain economic status that is top priority. If you don't buy their products, money will not go into their accounts.

22. Without cash input, they will be using shovels and axes as weapons not bullets and rockets.

23. Finally, USA is way too layback tooooooo laid. In another 5 years time China will catch up with USA. India and then Russia.

24. This should weaken them for the time being.

25. It will be foolish not to think that attacking China and Russia will not get involved. So how? Russia and China and India which to attack first.

26. Try India first, India is the backyard of China and Russia. China is wary of Russia, so Russia needs to befriend India to safeguard against China. Russia has too many countries to guard against. Ranging from Europe to Middle East and China. Europe can guard against Russia along with Canada.

The disadvantages of high populuated countries would be food and water supplies. Too many input but too less output. Deprive them of this and you should end the battles in few months.

1. Attack India, destroy all their weaponary and bases disarm them with few easy tactics (not to disclose here) and India is under controlled and gone from history.

2. Now Russia and China will be shocked and will want to unite. How?

3. Another plan (not to disclose here) will make them not attacking USA but instead one of them will join USA. Likely to take Russia in as allies. Now China is panicking. The main warfront will be west and southwest of China. (Land) and the main naval front will be northeast, east and southeast of China. Blitz is useless in China land is tooooo big. Few tactics in here will sure conquer China (can't disclose here) but there is a hefty price to pay. Western parts of USA may be gone for good.

So it is possible to destroy not only China but also India and Russia for good. The main question is ???? AEONS OF LIVES WILL BE GONE. On the bright side, you will be crowned King of Saturns. But the world will be much peaceful without these 3 countries.

Suggested by: A Chinese (haha) (Not China Chinese!!!)

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