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RSS Vepture

Reward Points:5
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9 most recent arguments.
2 points

One very important factor that you very stupidly forgot, CHINA HAS NUKES TOO and based on some other people on your side: CHINA CAN STEAL NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY

1 point

1) US supply their own weapons except for materials like iron

2) China does not use M1A1 Thompson...

3) The Iraqis are a very different case from China

4) Hiroshima and Nagasaki are Japan, not China, besides, US can't use nuclear weapons on China without approval from NATO while China can do it anytime they wish.

5) US military is so poor we gave up on Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan you joke.

6) All China "slumbering dragon" is going to smash Uncle Sam's firm Red,White,and Blue scrotum, once it awakens. XD

vepture(5) Clarified
2 points

Now its 1.7 trillion debt to China and we dont buy technology from China

3 points

No. If fact, the Chengdu-J20 was made by Chinese inventors

vepture(5) Clarified
1 point

China does not like Japan and Russia is a neutral ally. So please. But you are right that Russia has nuclear weapons and guess what, China has them too. Russia is 2nd and China is 3rd in number of Nukes. US is first but Russia + China = US lose

4 points

First of all, the European countries will try to avoid conflict as much as possible. America did not really turn the tide of WW1 because all we did was boost morale. In WW2, it was the British and Russians that bomber Berlin so...very bad point there

3 points

China has a fifth generation aircraft in its arsenal. They are lots of other factors to take into counting as well other than just one stealth aircraft.

Supporting Evidence: 5th Generation aircraft info (
5 points

A B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber??? We don't even use that plane that often anymore. Besides, China's missile system is very advanced and invading China's airspace = Bye bye plane

3 points

Ok Bro... heres the deal:

"China's territory is too big" Chinese soldiers are based to fight in mountainous, plains and forest terrains which make them a big threat as they can serve all terrains while US. Soldiers are mainly desert terrain. They do not need to invade the USA but Leon Panetta said " The internet is the new warzone". They can still win.

"China can draft 350,000,000 people to fight" They definitely have the resources to support them. Why have no resources but a reserve contingent. Definitely worth thinking about.

"China can shoot down their sats which most US military depend on" First of all, get your facts right. The US does not have thousands of satellites in space. It is very easy to find them as each one sends out a type of signal which China can easily intercept. Once intercepted, all China needs to do is keep the signal blocked which is easy as we have seen the hacking skills China has. China does not have as many sats in space which makes it a lot more difficult to find them which apparently you did not think off as well.

"U.S jets would would not dare to fly deep into China airspace without getting shot down." Are you really sure that China does not have enough resources to detect stealth aircraft. First of all, China has stealth 5th generation aircraft as well and second of all, F-22 maybe stealth but the moment they open their bomb bays, the stealth is off and can still be detected. Besides, China's Surface-Air missiles are huge, as they have 21 types of them including some state-of-the-art ones.

"China is increasing their sub fleet to be the largest in the world." You have no proof that China is not increasing at a faster rate than the US. The US would not be able to handle China in their own territory and China's airforce, navy and army capabilities are increasing at a faster pace than everyone else in the world.

"They will defeat the U.S navy with subs fleet. China will not go head on with U.S in battles, they will do sneaky attacks to wear U.S down then defeat them in a dragnet." Doesn't mean more ships guarantee your win, with better tactics, one can still win with a few subs.

"China will unleash their cyber soldiers to weak havoc on U.S systems." I agree with ya

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