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RSS Vertillano5

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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Who or What is God?, Who or What created God?, How did God created us? Why did God created us?

Now, we don't have concrete answers about these. I mean concrete.

God is only a term that we created to explain the immensity of the universe. It is not really an answer to the mystery.

Sir/Ma'am, I believe in a God and I don't mean to disrespect you.

1 point


First, humans had always been looking up in the sky and pondered about the splendor of existing. It is the mystery of our existence that have propelled human development. It had been the spark that have made the humans think. To give meaning about everything.

Second, it is the unknown that has made life an adventure. It is because of death that we knew and value life. It is the unknown island that made humans explore. And these are not possible without first thinking about the mystery of our existence.

Third, life has been meaningful because we give meaning to it. We give meaning to life because we have not been given its meaning. Confusing as it may seem, but life is meaningful because there are many things that we don't know.

2 points

Read the details of the proposition. The details says that without animal, humans would not live and with out human, animals would not live. As in saying we need animal testing and animals need cures. As in saying we are both worth the same that we can't live with out each other.

Are these statements true? Obviously, which are the main points of my arguments though I don't agree with the proposition that without humans, animals would not live; as you can see in my first argument. Even though humans have the ability to create something from raw materials, there will be no creation without the raw materials. Human development was not without the help of animals. There are many important discoveries that are only possible through the help of animals. Therefore animals have equal worth with humans.

Now, the proposition is broad but it's still fun debating about it.

3 points

Value can mean importance or usefulness and this is according to the Longman Dictionary. Now, the proposition does not necessarily imply that animals should have the same rights. Just like the value of food and clothing, they are both valuable but they are not the same.

2 points

First, Humans made themselves to be above the creatures we call animals. Ironically, animals can live without humans but humans can't live without animals. Humans hunt animals for food, clothes, and other things which are all essential to then human's survival. For animals are essential to us, then they have great value.

Second, animals has always been essential to the development of the human race. In the field of medicine, animal testing has provided cures and discoveries that have benefited humans. According to the president of the foundation for Biomedical Research, Frankie Trull, through animal research, there are numerous discoveries that are found through animals, "From antibiotics to blood transfusions, from dialysis to organ-transplantation, from vaccinations to chemotherapy, bypass surgery and joint replacement, practically every present-day protocol for the prevention, treatment, cure and control of disease, pain and suffering is based on knowledge attained through research with animals."

Third, Animal's inability to think rationally does not make them worthless. Animals as companion and pet have benefited humans. Some dogs and miniature horses have served as a guide to blind humans. Animals of different kinds that served as pets have been able to relieve human from stress and have given humans unconditional love. In fact dogs have save thousands of human lives in different kinds of situations.

Animals though they may not understand the human language, deserve respect and care. They have helped humans through different aspects. They are taken for granted. They are worth more than what they are.

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