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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't think Smartphones will ever replace TV, tablets-maybe, The quality of Smartphones in respect of audio quality and screen size! Maybe partially, in certain situations where a TV is not possible- Travel for example, great for in the plane.

1 point

I think creating brand recognition is on of the most important things for a brand, but so is meeting user needs. Therefore, a balance between the two concepts should always be the aim. However, it is difficult for some brands to understand what their users need, like, want so they assume and build a website that may or may not work on consumer needs level. Therefore, more target group understanding is needed (assuming that the brand recongnition aspect is on point) and then incorporating that into the design.

1 point

I believe if an animal is suffering and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, a doctor can do about it, the humane thing to do is to perform euthanasia!

1 point

I think it offers the same as normal fitness establishments, as long as one knows what they are doing and how to train properly so they don't hurt themselves.

1 point

Although I believe that the print media will lower its output, I don't believe it will disappear. There is something about holding a paper magazine, newspaper etc. Although Ilike reading paper books and magazines better than digital I find it easier to look for specific information on digital editions. I will, however, never trade the magazines I like for digital versions.

I think hard copies will still be there, possibly as a luxury good.

1 point

I believe everyone is entitled to privacy, as long as they are a law-abiding citizen. The government has no right to put their nose is absolutely everyone's business. It's such a complicated question to answer, though. I see value in both side, but do stand more to what I stated above

1 point

I think the benefits are far less that the positives. In order for this process to yield any real benefits, the bad effects it has (pollution, health hazards etc) must be taken down to minimum. The greener energy that shale gas provides will be 'defeated' by the environmental pollution the extracting causes, which has more detrimental effects globally than using shale gas has benefits.

1 point

I think it is a very string 'weapon' in this respect. If all major corporation took it upon themselves to lower the environmental impact they have, then the crisis will be at least 'put on hold' and then the efforts to 'fix it' will be much more successful. A company like Nutreco, who produce animal and fish feeds, are an example that I know of who invest a lot in sustainability. Being the one of the worlds largest feed producers, they not only put plans of action in place to producing it in a environmentally friendly way, but develop strategies for amelioration of the regions they work in. This is a good example of what I mean.

1 point

I think it may aid in some aspects, to form a negative image. All those bad biker boys with tattooed arms...But at the same time, this creates negativity with a certain type of people, not all. I think the body art alone is not enough to put a negative connotation, it is the type of person that wears it.

1 point

I am actually on the fence. I tend to disagree a tiny bit more because I think the things we post on our profiles shows, impassively, what kind of people we are. Although I do not think that is true always, it can show certain traits of our personalities. That may be useful for an employer to know.

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Gender: Female
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Other
Country: Netherlands

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