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RSS Withkids

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
3 points

that is so WRONGGGGGGGG! You really need to do your homework. Did you know that way back during the Greeek times, Men and women only had intercourse to reproduce. Sexual pleasure came from same sex intercourse. Most people will always want children weather they are gay or straight

2 points

I am sure you will be dealt with when your time comes. GOD made a mistake, What are you insane?? GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES!!! He made you didnt he???

1 point

your brain seems constipated with nonsence and discrimination.

2 points

Being Gay is NOT a disease buddy. You should do yuour research before you decide to voice a remark as that!! Being stright is who you are. I never had any attraction to the opposite sex, not even as a small child. I did not wake up one day and say, "oh , I want to be gay today". Our lives are very hard because of the ignorance of some people in society. mabey discrimination is a disease or mabey you yourself has issues with your own sexuality and hoping for some magical "gay cure" that will help you with your own sexual insecurites.

remember , GOD made us in his vision. You or no one else has the right to judge or to delegate to me who I decide to have in my bed.

4 points

I have been in a same sex relationship for 12 yrs and have been legally recognized in New Jersy only by a civil union which has limited benefits in comparison to heterosexual marrige. My partner and I have 2 babies that we love very much. I believe that we should have the same rights as an heterosexual couple.

Same sex couples are allowed to adopt and we are singled out by the US as gay parents and our children are also being discriminated against by NOT giving us the full benefits of marrige. I believe that our children should be recognized as being part of a family. A family is love and who in the hell has the right to say who and what anyone can love. You are taking our right to love away.

The children of same sex families need to feel equal and same sex couples need equality so that we can feel secured as an American Family shoud. We are not asking for anything more than what anyone else has. We are not asking for special privledges. We just want to be treated equally.

Our children have the right to have a sence of belonging without any predjudices. We pay taxes, we are your Doctors, teachers , police officers, servicemen, freinds, neighbors, brothers, sisters, Mothers, Fathers, Bankers, and some of us are even in the military protecting this country!!! We are everywhere and we are not going away. We are only coming out stronger and in more numbers. Hiding in the closet is not an option any longer!

We as Americans desearve equality!!!!

I have one question: If we are not able to recieve full equal benefits of marrige(ie.. survivor benefits), would it be correct to say that we should be exempt from paying taxes since this does not benefit the gay communtiy. I mean come on, why should we pay into social security if we are not able to cash in on our full benefits? Mabey we should get a tax break?? i guess our gay money is good enough to take but we, as gay americans are not worthy to have it work for us when we need it!!!

The worst thing about this is that the federal government is judging us and if I remeber correctly, GOD is the only one to judge me! Rememeber , GOD made us equal and in his vision.

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