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Reward Points:17
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9 most recent arguments.
2 points

As a newer member my opinion may not carry the same weight, but I couldn't agree more. That isn't to say we should become grammar nazis, but a little effort would go a long way.

3 points

In my opinion the biggest problem facing our nation is a lack of interest in education. By education I do not simply mean school, but rather any means of obtaining worthwhile knowledge. Any society that stigmatizes the "intellectual elite" and promotes willful ignorance is doomed to failure.

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0 points

I think it should be a joint decision as much as possible, but in the end the burden and risk lays with the women and so therefore does the right to make the final decision.

1 point

And what then about vaccines, electricity, transportation, farming techniques, antibiotics, medical imaging, renewable energy, life extension, any of the umpteen mechanical or electronic devices we use every day, ... I could go on an on...

2 points

Scientists are all rockstars in my book. If its cool a scientist probably had something to do with it at some point.

1 point

I must say in this argument it really is tempting to vote for the underdog. I think they still have a fighting chance! Go BLUE!

3 points

There is simply no good empirical proof for is existence. Miracles, prophets, and religious texts are not empirical. Neither is "proof" that a largely historical text is 100% correct because it gets some historical details correct.

1 point

I would say that it is. The two genre's address a myriad of the same questions but in different ways, something important for a balanced understanding. I also think that with fiction we have a way to explore our hopes dreams and imagination. Just as nonfiction allows us to satiate our intellectual curiosities in the realms of reality.

2 points

It is true that religion, much like nationalism, has done a great deal to unite early societies. I believe that at one time religion had a place. It created empires, it promoted learning, and it built a moral guide that made large scale societies practical.

But those days are gone. No longer do we need (a) god(s) to punish or reward, we have social structures for that. Most people would agree (I hope...) that a real understanding of our surroundings is essential to our survival as a species. Empires too have become an outdated idea in a time when the need for GLOBAL unity is so obvious. As for the matter of morals, we have the social sciences, and yes, philosophy, to answer these questions.

We have taken the best and worst parts of religion and expanded upon them, now the challenge is to keep the best and discard the rest.

So in short, yes the time for religion has ended. The time for science, reason, and social responsibility, is at hand.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: What should be done to improve CD?
Winning Position: Science is way cool!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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