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Reward Points:41
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

My opinion is no, I wouldn't like it if there were ratings on books. If you put a label on something, or tell someone(mostly kids) that it is banned, taboo, forbidden, what do you think will be the result? It will usually make them more interested in acquiring the book. They might pursue other ways to read about the content you are censoring. In fact, many might find it a lot more cool or mysterious or exciting if a warning label dictates it is not appropriate to read about.

1 point

Sorry, but I really don't think any actor could get the role down perfectly. Plus I don't think the characters even portray the proper age for the characters in the book. Nor do I think the movie will be anything like the book, I doubt it will even be as good as the book.

1 point

I still don't think they'd steal from the poor, I suppose they'd steal from people who aren't poor but are also not rich. The people who are in the middle is who get robbed the most, I think.

0 points

I know that the ghetto has a lot of thieves, however most of them are children, right? I want to know about adult thieves, do they steal from the rich or the poor, I say they steal from the rich more then the poor.

1 point

Defiantly not. There is a bunch of things that Science claims to be right, but later they find out they are wrong. We must be careful about what parts of Science we trust, not everything scientists say are true, only some of it.

2 points

Without Edison's invention, I wouldn't be able to read at night, or work on homework. I wouldn't even be able to play games with friends when we have a late night party. Sleepovers would suck, because you'd actually sleep instead of play. Therefor my vote goes to Tomas Alva Edison. I really like being able to see in the dark. However I think Franklin was a better inventor.

1 point

I agree, the government does have a lot of secrets and with each secrets the government is most likely to lose the peoples trust. Eventually the public might lose to much faith in the government that a riot might happen. That is why the government must not keep to many secrets.

2 points

Secrecy in government can't always protect us, sometimes it will hurt us. Also if we find out about a bad secret that is within the government we might start a riot. The public should be informed about almost everything, we need to be able to trust our government or there won't be a point in it. The government is for the people, if this is true, then the government mustn't keep to many secrets from the public, or there will be no trust from the people for the government.

1 point

I agree that the poor don't have much so there isn't really anything that a thief could actually steal. If they did steal from the poor they'd have steal almost everyday to be able to have enough money for whatever it is they want.

1 point

I'm not asking who loses more, though I agree that a victimized poor person would lose more then a victimized rich person. I want to know if thieves steal more from the rich or the poor?

About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Girl
Age: 27
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States

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