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RSS Yorgo2012

Reward Points:5
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
2 points

a:strength zero

magic does not exist therefor making its

b:technology does and if the 2 where put next to each othere clearl magic and its change in the world is0

while techhnolgy makes life easier by makin people wich are countryies far away talk to each other and see each other

1 point

no it not science proves that the sun is a old star witch was created by a bang of an older star.god and his son.the sun could not have formed a human nor animal or plant

1 point

u are wrong foster familes are a great project .if a kid does not have a family he would be on the street starving to death and if a family dont like kids why would they adopte them from the start . I have an adopted brothers who i consider my biological brother

1 point

u are wrong foster familes are a great project .if a kid does not have a family he would be on the street starving to death and if a family dont like kids why would they adopte them from the start . I have an adopted brothers who i consider my biological brother

1 point

if u where with a friend and he saw what u did and he will get the wrong idea so u want to go to movies just save money and buy what u want .

1 point

you have to buy popcorn it wont make u gain weghit by eating it once at the movies.And if u sit ina cinema and hate people that make sound while eating just ask them to stop if they dont talk to the manger .

Winning Position: no it is not

About Me

"i am a person who likes to debate challeng me pls"

Biographical Information
Name: yorgo abdo
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Catholic
Education: High School

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