
AdiKark's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AdiKark's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I may not be British, but the British reach has been fealt on one quarter of the entire Earth since antiquity.

Were it not for the British Empire, today, all the middle east would have been under Napoleon Bonaparte's legacy.

Were it not for the Empire's valiant efforts, the Nazi Jackboot would have crushed the entire world.

Were it not for the British, we would not have Television, Steam power, Mechanics and many more advents of technology.

The British contribution is not only significant, it is eternal

3 points

Our world is entering a new zenith of intelligence. And technology has brought us thus far. From the humble wheel to the advanced smartphones, technology is at our side as we grow into ever intelligent creatures.

Laziness is not induced by technology, my dear opponents, there is no technology that can change your attitude to anything. There are those that use technology to the fullest, there are those who become couch potatoes. But technology's impact on our race and our civilisation is impossible to neglect.

You owe this opportunity of coming online and debating solely to technology and the advent of the internet, technology defending champion.

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