
AnaFarias's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AnaFarias's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes, news can also create bias, but now a days even the news share things that were shared on social media first. For instance, in the past US election social media was filled with bad things about both runners and this information made the news, if social media wasn't a thing then it wouldn't have even made the news, creating the news bias.

1 point

This has absolutely nothing to do with democracy. Safety is something that social media can help with, but it is not the point of this debate.

1 point

yes, but usually when someone posts something in social media they exaggerate the situation making one side look awful and the other side looking like if it has no flaws, this makes the voting biased and can bring as a consequence a bad government that was only chose because the other one was looking really bad in social media.

1 point

Yes, but how is people supposed to know if what other people are saying is completely true and not biased by their opinions.

2 points

I second this notion. You are absolutely right saying that social media influences bias.

2 points

Farias - Yes, information can be communicated easily but when it comes to voting for a representative people start posting and sharing things that most of the time is just fake news that people believe, making people's vote biased

1 point

Farias- Social media is not good for the democracy. It's simple, social media places things that you are interested in and that you like, not letting you see the other side of the story; social media will take something you like and turning it into an obsession. For instance: if you like Harry Potter, social media will turn that "liking" into an obsession.

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