
Azra's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Azra's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Did I misword that? I am only mentioning females. Sorry dude. My mistake.

1 point

I know that NOW. Didnt really know it before. I thought it was Srom. I know I know you wanna call me stupid but I can only say........peace.

1 point

Depends on the sizes of your boobies dude. I have small boobies so I dont really have a problem until people buy you bras that are too big. Then its a problem.

1 point

Oh. Hannah said you may be gay. So I though you were gay dude. My bad.

1 point

Srom? Is it Srom? I can't tell dude. I can only think of Srom but I feel so wrong

1 point

1. Education: Dont know.

2. Religion: Christian? Maybe. I cant tell dude.

3: Hobbies: Being ghetto

4: Race (optional): African American?

5: Age (optional): No idea

6: Political Views: Supports Obama I think. So democrat?

7: Personality: Ghetto

8: Most Likely to be a thug or a successful black dude.

1 point

1. Education: High School

2. Religion: Atheist

3: Hobbies: Being bitchy

4: Race (optional): White

5: Age (optional): Ummm 16-18 somewhere in there

6: Political Views: Libertarian (bleh)

7: Personality: Mean, Cool, BITCHY

8: Most Likely to call me a fuckface for posting this.

1 point

Abby is the bitch of this site dude. I think she wins this one.

1 point

Lizzie is probably the most popular. Or Joe. Although if anybody wants to say Azra I would be more than happy.

1 point

Well Lizzie may win. I wanna have at least one snappy.

2 points

Yay!!!!!! Thanks Q Boy!!!! Thats what I am talking about dude.

Azra(543) Clarified
1 point

Oh. Well Lizzis is right? She hasn't been here for a single year yet dude right?

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