
BlackIsrael's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BlackIsrael's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

democrats are rich white people who pretend not to hate blacks, they are the co-op serving the exact same system that co opts blacks into thinking they can be free while feeding into a system of opression

1 point

Your stupid religion of socialism is the manifestation of white insanity. You whites are genetically inferior and create socialism to try and stop natural selection.

1 point

Niggers invented math and science while the whites was sitting in cave picking their butt withb a stick LOL

1 point

LOL you white are so insecure about your micro penis. You don't even realize whoite people have low firtility rates compared to theie darker races because NATURE is sterilizing your inferior genes through natural selection LOL

1 point

Racist crackers abound this site and you will be the first of many to fall by your black master's sword. You are a cave monkey and inferior. You whites are so gentically fucked up because you are a cross breed with ancestors that fuck neanderthals.

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