

This personal waterfall shows you all of COLONBLASTER's arguments, looking across every debate.

It must be difficult spending your entire life seething with hatred.

You would know.

I know I'm worth ten times what you're worth.

That's what you feel the need to feel but you are human trash and a hypocrite at every front.

I have a first class university degree

Not only do I not necessarily believe you but that doesn't necessarily make you an intelligent person beyond having the ability to contain and repeat information.

you're a worthless bum who still lives with his mother!!

No, you're literally painting the image you want to see of me that makes you feel better about yourself. The fact is I'm in my 20s and I moved out and I will have more money/pussy/active brain cells than you by far in my life time.

which nobody reads and you spam them on a website nobody uses

I haven't been on this site in a while. You're the one in your 40s still wasting your life lying about people and twisting their words online. I've also seen an example of your work and the type of sites it ends up on and I guarantee you aren't getting payed much nor is your work very popular. This isn't just something you're writing for fun, your literal life's work is something no one cares about or reads getting posted on low traffic websites.

You're a bitter communist loser with views I'll have long outgrown by the time I'm your age. Your only weapon is to play with people's words, that's all you've ever had at your disposal to pretend to be intellectual while using it to mask your sociopathic/narcissistic bullying. You wasted your 40s and 30s chasing people around the internet trying to convince people they are Nazis because they make money and wasted your 20s working for the man while plotting pranks against anyone richer than you and making a blog about it.

The face you made on your facebook pic says it all, you know what you are but will never admit it in this context. A fat, ugly, stupid school bully who wants the rich kid's lunch money.

which torpedoes your nonsense that I'm the one doing the trolling.

I didn't accuse you of trolling. I accused you of being ugly, retarded, having a suicidal martyr like attitude about opposing tyranny, of being the person who initially made enemies with me and of being an intellectual narcissist.

What I'm trying to explain is that only scumbags use their own successes as a weapon to put other people down.

What you are is a scumbag who wants to put other people down for having successes or for putting you down when you always tried to put them down in the first place. So put down whatever drug you're currently using.

I am going to meticulously carve your buttocks and harvest them from your body then place them in a jar in my office filled with buttocks-specific preservatives.

That's nice Nom, but you remind me of a dried out piece of shit with stale tampon syrup drizzled over the top.

0 points

I am going to shoot you in the nipples with my all American nipple-piercing ammunition then use the bullet holes to insert nipple piercings before I take you to the torture dungeon where my elves will hang you by your nipple-hooks and spin you around as you dangle from the ceiling and they throw water balloons full of unicorn jizz at you.

2 points

You're in your 30s.

Your IQ is 30 .

you've held a grudge for ten years?

No, you're the one who has been a douche bag for 10 years but nice deflect.

Nope, but I'd much sooner be remembered for martyring myself for something I believe in, like Jesus

So you're retarded? Weird flex

2 points

What I have always sensed in you is jealousy.

What I have always sensed in you is small dick energy. You introduced yourself to me by trying to correct me in the rudest way possible then spent the next 3 years pretending to be the victim.

Winning isn't about taking your insecurities and hatred out on other people.

Your definition of winning is martyring yourself for collectivism, stfu.

2 points

Btw winner, you should tell us more about how you're in your 30s and still literally live in your mom's basement.

I'm still in my 20s and I became relatively well-stacked recently and moved out.

You're a grown man who hasn't ever had the courage to face life.

I noticed you using cowardice as an insult with abnormal frequency, especially in this debate but also in general. What this really reflects is your own sense of impersonal suicidal martyrdom which stems from a combination of being a Sociopath and having low self-esteem. "Kill yourself for the collective or you're a bad person".

At the core of your personality is a coward who hates himself, and that's why you're so mean to other people.

It isn't cowardice or self-hate, I just have a low EQ plus you antagonize me and then whine when I attack you as if I'm the bully because you're a filthy hypocrite of deception.

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