
CrazyVaclav's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

destroy their factories and take out their economy? are you serious? Remember the Vietnam war? the US tried that on north vietnam by bombing factories and barracks, camps, etc. and the vietnamese would clean up and rebuild them, sometimes within a week. The whole operation failed horribly. Now compare North Vietnam circa 1960's to China today, the US couldn't destroy China's powerhouse manufacturing sector, they're one of the most, if not the most, industrialized country in the world, destroy one factory, they build three more, plus every man women and child would be mobilized to defend the Motherland, so just imagine they commit all the citizens, minerals and resources, all the industry, economy, not to mention their national pride, honour, all their energy, every aspect of their nation to the war effort they could fight a war for decades, and I dont think even America could hang in there withem that long, they could seriously go the fuckin' distance Americans never give China enough credit. For real.

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