
DDorsey717's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DDorsey717's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

People lose a chance on life if they are even associated with a crime. Put lose chances to go to college,some people even losE chances to be in their kids lifes.You deserve to see your child grow up.You should die old and on your death bed not shacked up in a cell all lonely.

2 points

During the 12-month period ending last June 30, the local jail population increased by 34,235 inmates, the largest increase (5.4 percent) since 1997. State prisons added 12,440 inmates (a 1 percent increase) and the federal prison system grew by 8,042 (5.7 percent).

3 points

Of the 1,200,203 state prisoners, 3,055 were younger than 18 years old. In addition, adult jails held 7,248 inmates under 18

3 points

By midyear 2002, America's jails held 1 in every 142 U.S. residents. Males were incarcerated at the rate of 1,309 inmates per 100,000 U.S. men, while the female incarceration rate was 113 per 100,000 women residents.

1 point

Prison should keep as many convicted felonies as they please if the person commits serious crimes. They should have to face serious consequence for their action.Stand up and be man if you did it then take your punishment and keep walking.

2 points

A lot of families lose love ones to harmful crimes and we feel if the family has to suffer the person who commited the crime has to suffer even worst than the family does.I know how it feels to lose someone to a murder and it is not a nice feeling,the suspect doesn't care about the family suffering they just want to fit in with their peers.They say they sorry when they get caught nut they really don't mean it.

3 points

Everyday in the United States there is murder or a murder attempt and most of the people who do the murdering are young and dumb and don't think before they do.The people who get killed are innocent people caught in the mist of the situation when they have nothing to do with it.People who takes somebody elses life should be able to walk free they should be punished forever.

3 points

Sex offenders has had particularly a real big impact on are communities for many years now.We think if you can sexually assualt people or even rape people you should go to jail because you can't touch anybody if they don't want you to touch them. If we put sex offenders in prison there is one less kid to worry about. No sex offenders means kids can walk the streets without having to worry about somebody trying to kidnapp them or stalk them.There are a lot of grown men in prison in jail for rapping younger kids and grown women too.

4 points

I Feel like the prison system is fine the way it is because people commit crimes thinking they will be able to get away with them.People don't think about the consequence when they are during the crime but when they get caught they want to regret it.People die everyday because of peoples childish ways.Have of the people do crime because they see it in video games or in music but if that isn't your life style you shouldn't do it.If being in prison is not for you don't crime.People want to fit in there sourroundings so they do things the other kids do to fit in but when they are in front of the judge they are crying saying they wish they could take it back.Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

3 points

I Feel like they should change the prison system because they have top many people in prison as it is the system is crowded and a lot of people are dying in jail because they are mistreated.People are being sent to jail for every lilttle thing I feel like if they commit a misdemeanor they should just get a fine or have community service because most the crimes people commit are not life threating.They just send people to jail so they can get money for them.They will give you 5 years in prison for commiting a little such as throwing trash on the ground. You shouldn't be tried for something so petty, I understand that it was wrong to do but they shouldn't have to jail.I also feel like if you do commit a crime you deserve a second chance in my eyes everybody deserves a second chance at life.You shouldn't be cage or sealed in a room for the rest of your life.When celebrities and the government do crime they get off but when a normal person does the same crime they get life behind bars or even a death sentence.It isn't right.

2 points

I think they are innocent because it already had been tension betwwen the two and after a while you get tired of it or they do or say something to cross the line you have to fight. Theywere provoked that's what I think.

5 points

Healthy food is better because it increases your life span if you are healthy. If you all junk food your arteries will clog and no blood will get to your heart. You need blood circulation in your body to live.

5 points

I would want a healthy lunch because if eat all junk food your insides will not be good and it's bad for your heart. It shortens your life span if you eat all junk. I would really have healthy food and one snack after I'm. That way you still would have your junk but you still would be healthy. That's what I think about it.

3 points

I'd rather have homework because you have to do too much for a project. Homework is not as important as a project. Well it is but if you miss one homework assignment it's not as bad as missing a whole project so that's why I say homework.

6 points

Drake is very exciting when he raps. You don't know if he's going to sing or is he going to rap. He has a large fan base even though he just started his rap career.He did have any acting career and that is another reason his fan base is emerging so fast. So he is going to be a great rapper because he fans will never get tired of him.

-2 points
2 points

I think facebook is better because twitter just seems boring and facebook something new or interesting happen every 30 second literally.Twitter is not interesting. Thinking about it just makes me bored. I'm a facebooker all the way.I agree with everything you guys said.

3 points

Like I said before if they do something very disrespectful or serious to me or someone I'm with then I will fight until I can't fight anymore. That's how I feel about the situation.

5 points

If I were in school I would not fight because most of the things that people fight about in school be petty or he say she say. Then after you fight you find out none of things that was said wasn't even true, you suspended 10 days for be believing somebody else. So if I was school I would blow it off and continue with my day.Now if the case was outside of school and someone did something very disrespectful or something serious to me or somebody I'm with then I will fight to protect myself.

5 points

I'm going to say Drake because he is doing better than LiL Wayne was he first started his rap career. Drake is a lyricist in my eyes. He is a great young rapper. He is the best up and coming rapper out right now.

1 point

Facebook is better because twitter isn't any fun. Facebook is fun and interesting. You get to do just about anything on facebook. That's why I think facebook is better.

4 points

Lebron is better to me because I like his high flying abilities and the way his drives the lane. He also has the abilities to create shots. He performs well under pressure.

2 points

I would want to be happy and poor rather than being rich and miserable. Why would anybdy want to be miserable.If you want to be miserable and rich you must be desperate for money because being miserable can hurt you more than if you were poor and happy. So I would poor and happy anyday.

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