
Frrrrr's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Frrrrr's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I am pretty sure that an international perspective can only be a benefit. In our global society companies need people who know how to deal with different cultures and can speak many languages.

1 point

I do not want to be a try out bunny. I do not have any problems with gmo's themselves, but more with the point that there is so much that is not known about it scares me. They should continue testing and when they are sure that there will be no harm for people, animals or the environment they can continue distributing it to the world.

1 point

I am not sure about this, both sides have valid reasons. While on the one hand it is a very successful way of catching criminals, it could have the negative side effect that people try to catch the criminals by themselves with horrible consequences. However the fact that people who usually might not be found can be caught is overruling in my eyes.

1 point

Of course cheating is not right, but if people are planning on cheating the relationship is already ruined. Then it does not matter where people will find the person, if it is the bar or a website does not mind anymore. They just did a very good analysis of their market and realised that there might be a need for something like that. Good marketing, bad background, but not their fault!

1 point

Since I don't trust brands that much, I would not take it for granted if a handmade product is branded. I would still buy it I guess, but I would rather buy something from the person who made it than from a big brand.

1 point

Images should always tell a story and be appealing to the target audience. By doing my own research for a client I figured out that images with women or men who are looking like 'normal' people work best. It should always be something people can connect to.

1 point

I actually think that we should go back to less media. I have the feeling that all the technology takes away creativity. Why buy an expensive iPad to draw on, when you can just use pen and paper, which even leads to better quality. Also the availability of media does not let us think anymore. We get everything too much and too fast, let the students at least learn some of the old ways which will help them enhance their real talents.

1 point

Yes I do agree. When going for dinner or any other place, people sit there with their smartphones and do not talk to each other. It has even come so far, that I do not talk to my roommates in person anymore but write them on facebook if I need something.

1 point

Yes they should be restricted. Children are easy to be influenced. If you actually advertise to them, they want to have the product and their parents might not have the money to buy it.

Anyways, our society is already so consumer oriented, that I think that the youngest should enjoy their free lives and not think about having and buying

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