
GinnaSmiles's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of GinnaSmiles's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

The process to become a citizen of the United States is costly and long. The main reason immigrants come here is for money. Most of them don't have the money to join America legally.

2 points

To your last question ("Should all atheists give up Christmas") From my point of view, Christmas doesn't even relate to religion at all. Even when I was a Christian I didn't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday. I think if you think about Christmas as a time for giving and family and what not, then yeah, go ahead a celebrate it. However, if you think of Christmas as a religious holiday...well then don't.(?) It all depends on how deep you want to get with it and how you think of it. I find it silly to give up something such as Christmas just because some relate it to the Christian religion. If nothing else...make an Atheist holiday. :]

1 point

I don't really like answering "yes" to this. I think that, no, war could not be banned but I do think that, yes, it could be prevented. I do not believe that it is so difficult to discuss differences instead of killing over them. We're all human. We're all capable of talking things out. War might get us somewhere (emphasis on might) but in the end, it would produce (hopefully) the same result as talking would. (Of course, discussing things would not result in millions of deaths as well.) So, I'm kind of yes and no on this.

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