
Humble's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Humble's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

I think it should be raised up to 18 because nowadays we can see a lot of accidents in street who the victims are mostly teens.

1 point

We did not say that beggars are terrible people. We are saying that beggars are emotionally depressed and we should find the ways how to avoid from this problem and how can we do this by establishing special policy that can help this beggars get rid of trouble.

1 point

I support you, but you cannot achieve your goal in a strict way. We should make a clear decision of how to avoid these problems facing in our cities. How can we do this? By explaining clearly in a way that we also want to help them. Our purpose is not to let them go and do just dirty job as you mentioned but ,in fact, to become a normal class of our society.

1 point

You know nobody wants to see people torturing from hunger but its their own fault. If you thought majority of beggars are homeless people.They did something wrong and they are suffering now. Moreover they don't think to find ways how to become a normal people. Inversely, they think how to forget this moments of suffer and the begged moneys which they collect spend on abusive drugs.

1 point

I absolutely agree with you it will be bad for beggars cause it not only influences psychologically but also physically as you mentioned money is a resource of anything. Drinking is a physical example of most beggars which i have seen and caused even their death.

1 point

So you mean we should give money to beggars then what about justice? Is it right when someone find money after a lot of efforts but others beg it. What does giving money mean? It means you want to help these beggars but don't you think that the money which you give make them lazy. You could help him or her in other ways too. For instance, you can find jobs for them that majority of beggars are jobless people.

1 point

I agree with you that we should give the beggars in place of money something which they cannot sell because as we know mos of them are homeless and addicted. If we give money to that beggars they will not use it for his or her benefit they will use it in vice versa in bad things like drinking or abusive drugs.

Humble(24) Clarified
1 point

I mean it would be better if we create an organization which in place of giving money to beggars, helps beggars to find jobs cause as my point of view most of them are lazy and don't want to work.

1 point

You are right my friend, but in order to find money to eat something you should not beg if you are not healthy or have some physical problems then it is OK.

0 points

As I know most of beggars are addicted and majority of them are homeless who sold all the possession such as home, car, furniture etc.

1 point

It is obvious that most of beggars are lazy people who does not want to work and I think we should not give them money because as you give someone or a beggar money he/she will be lazy in place of giving money to them we should provide them by job.

1 point

I disagree with it would be better for them to play with toy because there are a lot of toys that is better for them to develop their skills.

1 point

Do you think that you are normal? If so why are you supporting this. In place of playing violence games you could educate and give your child to kindergarten that he or she can interact and improve their skills.

0 points

Video games keep people sitting in front of the TV and inactive. Video games keep people inside. They are generally sedentary activities, and can eat your free time up very quickly. Many video games are violent, and may lead to abnormal behavior. They are also quite repetitive, where the gamer does a similar task over and over again, trying to improve upon the last time they did it. This does not let the brain think about new and interesting things. Using video games for entertainment often leads the gamer to addiction, where they sacrifice their free time in order to play more video games.

1 point

One of the big issue is that while in childhood they don't know the value of their organs and mostly the victim of these games will be eyes. This is a priceless organ that most of people harms in childhood.

1 point

Mr. Murodali Rasulov I completely agree with you and i want to say an example of it that I have watched a news about a child who has been playing more than a month in a internet cafe but the administrator did not care about this, despite that he was smelling badly because he was sleeping and eating not moving to other places and paying for all this.

0 points

Parents are doing all their bests. The problem is not on parents the problem is on government that will not make or provide children extra curriculum.

1 point

I support you that there are lot of games that mostly children play and these games are so cruel such as killing fighting and so on....

2 points

Do you know that every parent is not available to take care of their child. I mean they have not enough time

0 points

playing video game for children i think should not be allowed because it not only influence physically but also mentally. Video games will affect on thinking skill of children. While playing a child will absorb all this like real. It would be hard for them to differentiate bad from good

Humble(24) Clarified
1 point

I also searched and find out that in the UK as many as 60 women involved in prostitution have been murdered in the last 10 years 80,000 women work in ‘on-street’ prostitution in the UK. The average age women become involved being just 12yrs old

(Paying the Price’

1 point

Here is another fact that 87% of women in street-based prostitution use heroin

Humble(24) Clarified
1 point

I still not agree with you guys, what about abortions? Every year thousands of unwanted pregnancies often result in abortions in order to enable the girls to continue working. Is it normal for you that 75% of children abused through prostitution had been missing from school?

1 point

According to Coalition Against Trafficking in Women International (CATW) written by Janice G. Raymond on March 25, 2003 countries are considering legalizing and decriminalizing the sex industry, we urge you to consider the ways in which legitimating prostitution as work does not empower the women in prostitution but does everything to strengthen the sex industry.

Here are 10 reason to not legalize prostitution:

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution is a gift to pimps, traffickers and the sex industry.

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution and the sex industry promotes sex trafficking.

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution does not control the sex industry. It expands it.

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution increases clandestine, hidden, illegal and street prostitution.

Legalization of prostitution and decriminalization of the sex industry increases child prostitution.

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution does not protect the women in prostitution.

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution increases the demand for prostitution. It boosts the motivation of men to buy women for sex in a much wider and more permissible range of socially acceptable settings.

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution does not promote women's health.

Legalization/decriminalization of prostitution does not enhance women's choice.

Women in systems of prostitution do not want the sex industry legalized or decriminalized.

1 point

Don't you have you personal viewpoint? Why are you searching for others standpoint? In addition is it allowed in your religion to have a sex with a absolutely unknown person? You could marry someone and as much as you wanted had a sex.

1 point

There are some broadcasting channels that aim influence society putting and showing erotic movies to people. By this way they earn money. Don't you think that in place of legalizing prostitution we could fight against them?

0 points

I did not want say that she cannot. I am warning that by legalizing prostitution the number of prostitutes will increase and it will have a bad impact to the society

1 point

As Isfandak mentioned above, legalizing prostitution will increase the rate of prostitutes and it can lead to many-many divorce of marriages. Despite that parents are already not taking care of their children, the percentage will raise up. By this way stupidity of young generation will be more, people will not be educated and then criminals and crimes will be a lot.

2 points

Do you think that they are servant. Don't you think about human right. There are lots of job available. You see the only way to avoid surviving is in prostitution? If so you are not right my friend;-(

1 point

(I personally have no interest in prostitution for myself, or for purchasing the service, but I see no reason for it being outlawed.) markml0528(791)

I absolutely not agree with you that you are not interested in prostitution. If you have no interest why are you discussing issue? Otherwise the only reason is on you that you cannot differentiate good and bad.

1 point

Every women can elect a sex-work job, despite the availability of other jobs. In contrast, a vast number of women are made to be prostitutes throughout the force, fraud, coercion, or the ravaging effects of poverty, discrimination, and other abuses.

According to the article "The Medical Arguments Against Legalizing Prostitution" written by Reginald Finger, MD, MPH and Jeff Barrows, evidence has begun to accumulate from the Netherlands and Australia that legalization has resulted in more crime rather than less. Dr. Raymond and others have shown that a legally-sanctioned sex industry simply increases demand and attracts traffickers. In the meantime, violence against prostitutes continues and law enforcement often does little to stop it--the perception being that these women "bring it on themselves."

1 point

Do you want your sister or brother or someone else from your relatives to have a relationship with someone? Do you want to see them in the bed? Of course, not everyone wants such attitudes of his or her family. It is an obvious fact that sexual behavior between two gender can cause to illnesses like HIV etc. The crucial influence that prostitution will make is that it first of all breaks the root of marriage, which plays a very important and useful role in our society. Nowadays thousands of women or girls are involved in prostitution and i believe that if it continues this ways it will impact not only to the society but to our lovely generation too.

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