
Jacky's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jacky's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

I reckon that everyone who drives should definitely plant a tree, not only for the sake of it, but also for our environment. Global Warming is getting better at killing us, if we don't do something, like start planting trees, then we will be dead in no TIME :)

3 points

As Australians, we are all given the rights to vote, since we are all human beings and share different opinions. Now, if the everybody thinks differently then we should certainly take thought to their thoughts and ideas. JUST because these are crime offenders, doesn't mean their own personal opinion in the votes are wrong. Criminals are placed in jail so that they can redeems themselves, and yet all the government is doing is caging them in, restricting them from their rights as citizens of Australia.They are humans, just like us, and should certainly be allowed to vote.

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