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2 points

Damn Straight


1 point

First of all this is a very open question considering there is a LOT of music out there.

I listen to some music of today that doesn't get aired on the radio or tv or anything and I just think how popular it might be if the same thing came out in the 60's.

Here's the thing.. There is a lot more music now then there was. There will never be another Beatles because we live in a world where everyone is listening to different things. If a band started right now and they were as good as the Beatles do you think they'd get big? Or be on the radio? Or win awards?

The reason so many people argue for Na on the other side is that they compare say the Beatles or led zepplin to say.. the Jonas Brothers or taylor swift. That's not a proper comparison. There are a lot of rock bands who make a lot of music that is very good. That kind of sound doesn't get a lot of media attention. Simple as that. People don't look for good music and don't know it's there.

A genre of music can only be dead to people who rely on the norm of society.

1 point

Yeah I know. What made you think I was so pro Bush?

1 point

I know. Christ wasn't born in December. But that doesn't mean Christmas isn't about Christ. Whatever it used to be was changed. The birth of Christ was celebrated before that happened.

I don't see what point you're trying to make as if that makes celebrating Christ less valid.

1 point

Ohh ok I see where you're coming from I do. It was like the celebration of the winter tree or something like that?? I don't know but Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ.

It's like when a company gets bought by another company. It's like the catholic church absorbed that holiday and some parts of it like the tree but it's core meaning is this Christ.

1 point

So Christians stole the holiday that is the celebration of the Birth of Jesus?

1 point

of course I do! (:

1 point

Christmas for you isn't Christmas then.

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. You can go through the motions of commercialism.(I'm assuming that's what you're talking about) Which I think is just a perk, don't get me wrong I love lights and trees.

1 point

Depends on your definition of Christmas. Just because you put up lights and buy a tree doesn't mean you're celebrating Christmas.

Remember Christmas is a religious holiday, a Christian holiday. That's a fact. Weather you're liberal, atheist, whatever you can't touch that. (:

So if you're an atheist you can join in some of the festivities associated with Christmas. But you're in no means celebrating (let alone "getting into the spirit" of) Christmas.

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to exclude anyone. Every bodies welcome to whatever part of Christmas they wan't. All are welcome to celebrate Christmas but not everyone does.

1 point

"Are you suggesting that I am trying to shut out these conspiracy theories if I am against it and beyond it?"

It depends on why you're against and beyond it. If you refuse to talk about it or look at any evidence (or don't care about the severe lack of investigation) then I would say yes. But I'm not making assumptions.

Here's a little bit of evidence.

1 point

"How would anyone know that an conspiracy exists?" We're talking about conspiracy THEORIES. So they technically don't know if that's what you're getting at.

"Are you suggesting I am trying to snuff out the conspiracy due to I maybe withholding a secret? That is the only logical explanation."

You lost me there.

"How can there be an conspiracy when people are creating them out of thin air? NOT POSSIBLE. They are creating their own reality."

Creating "conspiracy theories" you mean? I realize we're taking the word theory lightly. I just don't know what else to call it.

If it makes you feel any better I don't generally agree with most "conspiracy theorists".

All I am saying is that we should all look at evidence weather it be for or against these ideas.

1 point

"What should have been argued was that the secret would spread like wild fire, not the conspiracy because if there are no secrets, then a conspiracy is irrelevant,"

Ok ..and If there are no secrets, then a secret is irrelevant..

But either way my point is that the conspiracy(or whatever you want to call it) is safe because there's always conspiracy theories and people always scoff at them. The majority wont listen.

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