
MissAngel17's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of MissAngel17's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Perhaps we would have witnessed less revolutionary changes but undeniably the world would have been a better place...

Instead of destructive wars, there would have been calm discussions.

Instead of theft, there would have been sharing

Where there are prisons today, there would have been rehabilitation centers... education centers

Where there are casinos today, there would have been non-profit organisations...

3 points

Yes in every sense of the word!

24 billion? From wikipedia i read it was around 14.8 billion USD for London 2012.

While hundreds if not millions of people are dying out of hunger on a daily basis, others are busy making profits and promoting the name of their country by squandering 14.8 billion dollars for hosting Olympic Games. This is non-sensical and highly unethical.

The Olympic Games could have been made less extravagant and millions could have been saved to help the needy.Indeed, watching this spectacular event unleashing is like living a real boost of emotion.But then, is the feeling of these temporary emotions more prominent than the health of a human being ? We all know it isn't yet we keep on hosting it. It is sad therefore to realise that mankind has adopted an egocentric culture.

1 point

In contrast, when considering the word 'necessary' in the question, obviously it is not a necessity. We can live without it very well. Formerly, in the primitive ages , the human specie survived finely without it. As here advanced, there is undeniably no reason why cellphones are a necessity.

1 point


We have reached a point in time where not possessing a cellphone makes us a potential victim for mockeries . In the Western world it goes this way : Wow you've got the latest samsung ! Why not join us for lunch ?

1 point

Nonetheless, it would undeniably be a dull life.

If human nature includes attaining perfection, it also involves the need for hurdles.

Life would be predictable .

1 point

Absolutely ! who wouldn't ?It is human nature to dream of attaining perfection.

2 points

We have reached a point in time where modernisation is shooting up like never before. Personally i believe that we should remain normal to these circumstances.

It is written in the Bible tht everyone is born equal , so why not respect this?

Let us show to homosexuals the respect they deserve because we are living in a free world these days. Why judge people and botherv about what others are doing.

1 point

This statement is of utmost rationality.

Foremost, it is clear cut that women do not possess the same physical strength as men. Though, we should not forget that there are some strong women who have defeated man during battles in the past.On this basis, women will always be considered as inferior to men. Works requiring physical strength are most of the times squarely reserved for males .

Moreover, the endless endeavours of women in the past have shown that no matter how hard women fight for their rights, they will never attain their ultimate goal of gender equity. So why expect gender equality in the future when the precedented efforts have all gone in vain?

Futhermore, this claim is mere snare and delusion since women are naturally more emotional that males. Even in the holy book of hindus it is written balckon white that women have been created so as to serve men. Some people also argue that since Adam has been created before Eve (Bible) men are are superior to women.

Additionally, at the workplace , the majority of women are satisfied with certain jobs.Precisely, they do not look forward to reach the top position. They degree of satistifaction with reference to ambition is lower as compared to men.

Being a girl, I wish i was wrong .

2 points

Adding to this, it has facilitated our lives significantly with regard to internet, microwave, nanotechnology.

The pros of technology undeniably outweigh the cons.

1 point

The dividends associated to technology is far more numerous that the cons. Whether is is a boon or bane depends largely on the user himself.

Nonetheless, let us not narrow of thinking.

While some people make use of the web cam chats to communicate with relatives abroad, others are misusing it for cheap discussion. The number of despicable characters using chats for phenomenal these days!

So to say, it all depends on the mentality of the user.

1 point

I'd definitely go for tv.Watching tv is way far more entertaining than reading which requires effort for understanding certain words. Tv programs are most of the time in colloquial language- easy to grasp the story. All the fun can be undermined when one meets a difficult word in a novel.

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