
Nom_Chomsky's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nom_Chomsky's arguments, looking across every debate.

As the nation's lazy lowlives lie and fart in bed all day

You know Unison is a trade union, right?

Do you know what trade unions are, you hideously stupid corporate fascist imbecile?

More fake news.

Banned for making absurd comments.

What this means in real terms

Translation: let me spin and distort this story I just claimed was fake in my last sentence.

illegal immigrants

Here we go again. Bye Hitler. Taker your obsession with hating foreigners with you when you leave please.

Stupid and backwards though it sounds, the only thing which has ever really worried me about smoking is the possibility it will discolour my teeth. Hasn't done yet though and I've been smoking for 25 years. I must be one of the lucky ones.

your irrational hatred for the United States of America.

Irrational huh? Lol.

It has happened again: yet another international poll finds that the US is viewed by peoples around the world to be the biggest threat to world peace. today/

Your OCD is exacerbated

Lol. It is really cute that you want to talk about OCD while you simultaneously follow me everywhere, frothing hatred at the mouth like a little rabid puppy dog. Projection much?

Such a terrorist supporting piece of filth like you


You know you sound exactly like Hitler, right?

The French resistance fighters blew up bridges, derailed trains, directed the British in the bombing of German troop trains, kidnapped and killed German army officers, and ambushed German troops. They took no prisoners, but rather killed any German soldiers who surrendered to them, sometimes mutilating their bodies for good measure. The Nazis referred to them as "terrorists."

The photo below shows a Nazi poster which depicts the heroes of the French resistance as members of an Army of Crime.

Regardless of how hard he may try poor old broken down Nom cannot suppress the surge of his Tourette syndrome and I note that he continues to suffer from his Brontophobia condition.

Christ your obsession with me is boring. Give it a rest you pointless Nazi fucktard. Nobody cares about your hate speech. Literally nobody.

This is the week it became accurate to compare Trump to Hitler

The presidency of Donald Trump has been one horror after another — the endless lying, the coddling and worship of dictators, the rank incompetence and corruption of the people he has chosen to run government departments, the saber-rattling and about-facing with various enemies, the repeated attacks on voting rights and free speech and a free press, the countenancing of rank racism and white supremacy in Charlottesville and elsewhere, the personal corruption and grifting at his resorts and golf clubs, the reverence for a celebration of ignorance, the disdain for science and expertise, the constant tweeting and spewing of hate and stupidity and racism and misogyny and xenophobia — the list goes on. Add your own outrages at will.

The opposite of Hitler, right Herr Bronto?


Took me 3 seconds to debunk your childlike argument.

Ah, I see. That's what you think "debunking" is? When you omit half of the facts entirely? Lol. Good one Herr Bronto.

"You can come back". Literally the opposite of Hitler.

"I want you to leave". Literally Hitler.

Telling half the story. Literally Hitler.

Riiiiight. He never let themeave and come back.

On the contrary Herr Bronto, making them leave was his idea.

Nom_Chomsky(846) Clarified
1 point

This relies on the inductive supposition that any one egg is like the next, not a priori knowledge.

Amarel, I can say with a large degree of certainty that you are a fucking moron.

Pretty much the bronto position.

Hitler's too, if I recall correctly. He tried to send them all to Palestine, and then when that failed he tried Madagascar. Then he gassed them.

There's nothing nationalist about noticing some antisemitic Nazis got loose in the country

There is EVERYTHING nationalist about Hitler's big lie technique, which is apparently the only thing you ever know how to use. You act like Nazis, call everything black or Hispanic "filthy animals", directly appeal to emotion, populism and myth, then call everybody else Nazis.

Sorry bud. That's Nazism. Literally.

Nom_Chomsky(846) Clarified
1 point

You’re figuratively literally putting words in Adolf Hitler’s mouth.

Do you oxymoron much? Or just when you've been busted as a bigoted Zionist hypocrite?

So Nom speaks for Hitler now

No more than you speak for Trump, hypocrite.

Hitler, on sending the Jews back to Palestine:-

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.."

Nom_Chomsky(846) Clarified
1 point

If a school had even one Muslim student, I would be surprised if they didn’t have time set aside for their religious requirements.

You seem quite bitter about that. Does hatred of Muslims run in your family?

0 points

Every community in America should have the freedom to choose if they want to start the school day with a Prayer

What you are proposing is the precise opposite of freedom you lamentably evil bastard. You are proposing to forcefully indoctrinate innocent children (whose imaginations are already huge) with a completely unscientific version of reality that contradicts just about every aspect of the modern world. You are just a fucking nasty little failure who lacks the courage to face reality without the prospect of some kind of golden ticket. As pathetic as that is, I defend your right to your own choice. What I will never defend is you proposing to force this same cowardice down the throats of innocent children and label it freedom.

And we're insane for turning our backs on Jesus, and the Bible

Whatever you say, fruitloop. Only a lot of us don't want to remain in the third century for all eternity. Sorry about that.

0 points

Taking Jesus and the Bible out of schools, is why we as Americans have so many problems.

You have so many problems because your culture is insane.

And your culture is insane because of Jesus.

People who should be walking around with the capacity to form rational thoughts are instead high on a regressive form of populism based on the literal interpretation of folklore.

It should be taught as an example of how you really, truly, catastrophically, fuck a society up. You take advantage of the human desire for understanding and distort it into a highly contagious mental illness.

0 points

Stop showing everyone what a joke you are!

If that were true you would want me to show everyone. But nothing you say is ever true, is it?

The Left has tried many times to smear political or religious men

Sure buddy. Like this time?

In 2002, criminal charges were brought against five Roman Catholic priests in the Boston, Massachusetts area (John Geoghan, John Hanlon, Paul Shanley, Robert V. Gale and Jesuit priest James Talbot) who were all convicted and sentenced to prison.[7] The ongoing coverage of these cases by The Boston Globe brought the issue of "sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests" into the national limelight.[2][3][8]

In 2003, The Boston Globe received a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.

But just to clarify, you are arguing that these priests (and the many others like them) are the victims?

This is why many intelligent men must now fear being framed by a corrupt bought and paid for Liberal.

As per usual this is the precise opposite of the truth. The Republican Party is being run by a corrupt billionaire who inherited 403 million dollars from his militantly racist father. And you're making corruption allegations against Democrats? Are you even for fucking real? You're an idiot.

It's your sick Party that does this type of stuff. SICK!

Tell it to the Holocaust survivors you deranged fucking batshit insane retard.

'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany

That's fucking brilliant my son.

Really good. Well, except for the title. That's shit.

It is really to bad that the Antifa Communist ended up at Room Temperature but he got what he deserved !

This statement contradicts itself. Is it bad or is it what he deserved?

Nevermind. It speaks volumes that you have nothing to say about the multitude of far right mass shooters. But if the perpetrator can be argued to be a "leftist", it's happy days!! Right buddy?

The fact is you're a disingenuous cunt using death and tragedy as political tools.

We have to be careful not to marterize these violent subservives by killing them if they are without firearms.

You have to stop getting drunk on moonshine and go back to school you boring fucking fascist idiot. Your spelling is amongst the worst I've ever seen.

The best way to respond to the Antifa petrol bombers is with baton rounds.

No it isn't. The best way to respond to anti-fascists is to stop being fucking fascists. Easy as pie.

It's a heartwarming sight to watch the filth burn in the flames

Only if you're in the Waffen SS you boring fucking retard.

I prefer real friends. The imaginary ones are usually much less talkative.

Many well off people were raised poor.

No Bronto, not "many". Many is a false word you've thrown in there for propaganda effect. Relative to the total number of people in the world, the percentage which begin poor but end up rich is fractionally tiny. It becomes even smaller when you deduct those who did not get there on their own merit.

That said, there clearly must be some room for social mobility in capitalism otherwise it would be impossible to ever persuade the masses that they too can become rich. It is an essential component of capitalist propaganda.

Marine, I'm not sure if you are a new member to this site, or a person creating another alias, but one thing you should know about Nom-Chomsky is that he is the most hateful bigot on this site, and is a total waste of time to debate.


Always amusing when you get accused of hate by the resident abortion clinic bomber.

Nom_Chomsky(846) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, that’s the point of my example

I don't know what is wrong with you capitalist scumbags. You spend billions convincing people that life is all about getting rich, then when people do it you throw them in jail.

2 points

Nowadays, young people develop faster and easier, because of the large amount of information that they can find online, just for a few seconds from their smartphones. But this large amount of information has another side. It becomes more difficult for people to filter the information received.

That's an excellent point. Corporations and governments have spent a lot of money on internet propaganda and with the rise of Trump it is only getting worse. As a general rule I think people should avoid getting information from social media and corporate-funded blogs. Stick with trusted news providers.

Personally, I use the BBC, Al Jazeera, Associated Press and sometimes The Independent and/or The Guardian.

Nom_Chomsky(846) Clarified
2 points

The Bible talks about what Jesus did on the cross and rising from the dead

It also talks about how the Earth is 6,000 years old and how humanity was cast out of Eden because of a talking snake.

2 points

I heard they probed him in holes he did not even know that he had. And they didn't even use lube!!!

No wonder he's so mean all the time.

When Bronto says he's a native American veteran in a wheelchair

What really winds me up about the guy is that, because he's so fucking stupid, he assumes everybody else must be too (or even more stupid, since his narcissism convinces him he's actually intelligent) and so it simply does not occur to him how absurd and fundamentally fucking ridiculous his distortions are.

So no rebuttal on why reservations are mentioned in court or why the signs say "Cherokee Indian Reservation".

You don't seem to understand how reality works son. Wikipedia says the Cherokee Indian Reservations were abolished by federal law in 1907. You are the one who needs to rebut that. I do not need to rebut your stupidly false claims about what the signs say.

If you were a Cherokee Indian and you lived in Oklahoma you would obviously know there are no Indian Reservations there, as you would also know what the capital of the Cherokee Nation is.

You pretend to be Native Indian to give your offensively vile fascist propaganda more credibility. But you have been caught out on numerous occasions.

DUMB ASS you typed this - Your problem being that Venezuela is no longer socialist

It was never outright socialist, but when oil was booming it spent a lot of money on social programs for the poor which were extremely successful. Of course that all changed when the paranoid western powers began to panic that "socialism" was working, and conspired together to crash the price of oil.

DUMMY i have proven you wrong time and again through out this thread

Outlaw, the opinion of idiots is worth as much as a fart in the dark.

You cannot deal with the reality of VENEZUELA

Quite the opposite is true, since I have explained to you patiently that 70 percent of the Venezuelan economy is privately owned and the country has never satisfied either of the stages of socialist revolution as outlined by the very inventor of socialism.

You will avoid at all cost that SOCIALIST are ANTI CAPITALIST and MARXIST even when the information is provided !!

I am afraid you are the one avoiding the self-evident fact that a political party or individual can claim to be anything it or they like. Politicians are known for being liars. You do not want to mention this for obvious reasons. Nor do you want to explain which stage of socialism you believe Venezuela is at.

OK, your spam is boring me now. You're getting as bad as Brontoraptor. Spam spam spam.


I'm waiting patiently for you to explain which stage of socialism Venezuela is at. Do the people control the government like stage one or have they abandoned the government like stage two.

Avram are you struggling with what SOCIALISM is as defined by WIKIPEDIA ?

Ironic, since it is you who does not know how to use an encyclopaedia:-

Like most writers of the 19th century, Marx tended to use the terms communism and socialism interchangeably. Marx identified two phases of communism that would follow the predicted overthrow of capitalism: the first would be a transitional system in which the working class would control the government and economy yet still find it necessary to pay people according to how long, hard, or well they worked; the second would be fully realized communism—a society without class divisions or government.

Which stage of socialism is Venezuela at, retard?

Left-wing nationalism

Left-wing populism

Lol. Oh, you Americans absolutely crack me up.

Right-wing communism

Right-wing welfare state

Socialism of the 21st century

So not socialism then? Something I invented myself and have decided to call "socialism of the 21st century" as a marketing tool?

Thanks for clearing that up.

Ah yes, capitalism. Lol.

Over the course of the five-year span of hyperinflation, the inflation rate fluctuated greatly. At one point, the US Ambassador to Zimbabwe predicted that it would reach 1.5 million percent. In June 2008 the annual rate of price growth was 11.2 million percent. The worst of the inflation occurred in 2008, leading to the abandonment of the currency. The peak month of hyperinflation occurred in mid-November 2008 with a rate estimated at 79,600,000,000% per month.[1] This resulted in US$1 becoming equivalent to the staggering sum of Z$2,621,984,228.[34][35] inZimbabwe#Inflation_rate

'No Vacancies' for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start

In 1966, as the investigative journalist Wayne Barrett detailed in “Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth,” a New York legislative committee accused Fred Trump of using state money earmarked for middle-income housing to build a shopping center instead. One lawmaker called Mr. Trump “greedy and grasping.”

By this point, the Trump organization’s business practices were beginning to come under scrutiny from civil rights groups that had received complaints from prospective African-American tenants.

Complaints about the Trump organization’s rental policies continued to mount: By 1967, state investigators found that out of some 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, seven were occupied by African-American families.


I've told you three times that it isn't socialist. You just keep replying with idiotic spam which assumes it must be socialist because the government claims to be socialist. By that same backwards logic, China must be Communist, correct?

The Communist Party of China (CPC), also referred to as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is the founding and ruling political party of the People's Republic of China.

Except it has the second largest market economy in the world and 60 percent of it is in the private sector.

Isn't it strange how the Cherokee Indian who lives on a Cherokee Indian Reservation in a state where there are no Cherokee Indian Reservations does not know the capital of the Cherokee Nation?


Hey look. It's you literally lying and saying we had a conversation 180 days ago.

Hey look, here's you literally being caught lying about not being married:-

I've never been married

You are a retarded fascist LIAR. Here is a conversation we had 127 days ago, as illustrated in your WATERFALL:-

Jamesbody: Says the single divorced neo-Nazi whose own children no longer speak to him.

Brontoraptor: I'm not divorced. I'm widowed.

Jamesbody: LOL. You're not widowed. You're just a fucking liar.

Brontoraptor: I am widowed. Same as when I said it my first day on the site.

Supporting Evidence: Bronto Caught Lying AGAIN ( Apparently BrontoCriedForFourWeeksStraightWhenHisWifeLeftHim#arg984866

What you have linked above is a conversation we had AFTER I proved you to be a liar, in which you began lying AGAIN (exactly as you are doing now), and in which I could not be bothered to find the exact number of days since you made the comment, so I simply made a guess.

Your desperation to misdirect people away from the fact that you are a total fucking liar is extremely apparent, since I have absolutely no motive to "lie" about whether you wrote your post 127 days ago or 180 days ago. You are simply purposefully misrepresenting an offhand estimate as a "lie". Because you are a liar.

Care to address being a retard and a lying fascist Hitlerite wanker who lies, lies, lies and lies all day?

I've already given you the link to my waterfall.

You have the ability to edit anything on your waterfall at any time you like. I notice you have "forgotten" to mention this fact.

I wasn't posting 180 days ago

Why do you keep arguing with yourself when I have told you nine times that you wrote it 127 days ago, not 180 days ago? Are you actually fucking retarded?

So it is proven that you just made it up buddy.


Except here is the post:-

I've never been married

"You are a retarded fascist LIAR. Here is a conversation we had 127 days ago, as illustrated in your WATERFALL":-

Jamesbody: Says the single divorced neo-Nazi whose own children no longer speak to him.

Brontoraptor: I'm not divorced. I'm widowed.

Jamesbody: LOL. You're not widowed. You're just a fucking liar.

Brontoraptor: I am widowed. Same as when I said it my first day on the site.

Supporting Evidence: Bronto Caught Lying AGAIN ( Apparently BrontoCriedForFourWeeksStraightWhenHisWifeLeft_Him#arg984866

You don't care to explain about lying on the 180 days ago point?

I linked your post directly you retard. Nobody cares when it was written. I've told you eight times already that it was 127 days old when I linked it, so your desperation is duly noted.

Is that how you talked to your mother when she asked you to prove that you didn't steal her credit card as a child?




Venezuela's political crisis appears to be reaching boiling point amid growing efforts by the opposition to unseat the socialist president, Nicolás Maduro.

Maduro is a "socialist" in the same way that Adolf Hitler was a "socialist".

The private sector dominates 70 percent of the Venezuelan economy

LOL! Yes, very "socialist".


Avram you like you some SOCIALISM so head off to VENEZUELA

Cool story bro. I'm more interested in capitalism though, so I'm heading to Zimbabwe.

Go ahead, link him doing it.

Go fuck yourself. I'm not trawling through his posting history just to keep you happy, you deranged little idiot. He admitted quoting Hitler in this actual debate you repugnant sociopath.

-1 points

It would appear to me that 18% of our population need to live in Venezuela for a month or two to get the full effect of the socialism they wish to embrace.

Oh fuck off Bronto, you pathetic little Nazi shill.

Your problem being that Venezuela is no longer socialist and hasn't been since western capitalists conspired to crash oil prices in the 1970s due to their economy outperforming everybody else's. If you want to find genuine socialist countries rather than continue telling lies, look no further than the global standard of living index. You will know which ones are the socialist countries because they are all the ones which place higher than the United States.

If a man literally says, "I voted for the Communist Party", can I assume he's a Communist?

You can do what you like pal. Nobody gives a fuck because you're a pathological liar who is now apparently trying to convince people that once somebody votes Communist time stands still and they can never change their minds ever again.

Bronto, this is the third link I have investigated from you this evening, and it is the third link which says this:-

Overall, we rate FreedomProject Media, Questionable based on Extreme Right bias, promotion of both propaganda and conspiracies, a lack of transparency, using poor sources connected to hate groups and several failed fact checks.

You are literally a Nazi. Fuck off and die.

Please give examples with links, not trusting you, of him doing this.

I don't give a literal fuck what you trust. You would have to be blind, deaf and dumb to somehow not have noticed how often Bronto quotes Hitler.

Since I am here more than you I can assure you that Bronto frequently quotes Nazi propagandists, the problem being that he is using literal Nazi propaganda which was designed to fool the working class into voting for Nazis to claim that Nazism is genuinely left wing.

Precisely brother. That's the actual grand irony of it. He specifically selects Nazi propaganda designed to appeal to the German left and tries to convince people it's true, seventy years after the Nazis did the exact same thing. The only difference is that the Nazis used it as positive propaganda whereby he uses it as negative propaganda.

I even made a debate about how Noam Chomsky contradicted half of your claims.

Which isn't true. What a surprise.

You ignored the debate all together.

You aren't here to debate Bronto. You are here to tell lies, spread extreme right propaganda, smear the left and generally continue the work of Hitler.

2 points

faster than we can round them up.

In which universe are you not the literal resurrection of Hitler?

2 points



Overall, we rate WND Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories and numerous failed fact checks.

Let's follow the pattern here. One of us gets his information from extreme right wing fake news sites, Dan Bongino and Adolf Hitler. The other "agrees with all of Hitler's positions".

You fucking failure. You're an absolute fucking loser pal. You lost in 1945 and you're going to lose again. When you eventually get the war you so clearly want I am going to find you and end you personally. I give you my word on that.

2 points



Overall, we rate Canada Free Press Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and numerous false claims.

2 points

A clever attempt at sliding around the point.

Your "point" is that everybody who isn't on the extreme far right is Hitler. That isn't a point. That's Nazi propaganda.

Sure they are.

LOL! Sure they are buddy. Like how you live on a Cherokee Indian Reservation in a state which abolished its Indian Reservations in 1907. Like how you're a widow who wasn't ever married. Like how everybody on the left is Hitler, despite the fact Hitler was on the extreme far right and dedicated his entire life to telling the exact same lies about the left that you do. You're fucking absurd.

You literally claimed we had a conversation 180 days ago, and I literally provided my waterfall showing I made no comments 180 days ago.


I proved you lied and I linked the posts involved. The offending post in which you claimed to be a widow was written 127 days ago. You keep repeating this "180 days" line because during a conversation we had after this date in which you began lying again, I made an estimate of 180 days. Now you are using it for the basis of yet another lie, even though I have told you THREE TIMES already tonight that it was 127 days ago.

You are an absurdly stupid pathological liar and a fascist moron.

You literally claimed you travel to Pakistan for underage sex.

Aha! See? I told you so.

So should we just go ahead and add sarcasm to the long list of concepts you don't understand?

We are going to need a detailed analysis of why if Hitler said 50 things, you take all of those positions

We are going to need you to explain why you are on the extreme far right yet spend all of your time accusing leftists of being on the extreme far right. You are fundamentally absurd. Everything you ever say is absurd.

Everything you ever say is fucking absurd. You are an absurd, stupid little fascist scumbag. Your wife hates you, your kids hate you, you're a self-confessed paedophile, and you spend your life telling lies on the internet.

What a success story.

You lost another one Nom.

Did you forget your medication today buddy? Go and take it quickly.

Then come back and tell us more about how Hitler was on the left. I always enjoy reading fascist propaganda.

Sure he did Nom.

Hitler was a European fascist dictator who dedicated his life to wiping out Communism. He literally didn't give a shit about the Middle East you stupid Nazi propagandist idiot.

Tahlequah is the literal capital of the Cherokee Nation

Wrong yet again:-

In November 1825, New Town became the capital of the Cherokee Nation, and was renamed New Echota, after the Overhill Cherokee principal town of Chota.

Sure I do.

So, let me just clarify this a moment. I've already used Wikipedia to prove that you are a deliberate liar, but you think the words "sure I do" are an adequate rebuttal to that?


You know, your exact political position.

Oh, I see! Hitler's exact political position is that he supported Hamas's (created in 1987) struggle against the apartheid state of Israel (created in 1948). Well, you learn something new everyday. In this case we learn how desperately stupid and dishonest you are in trying to project your own fascism onto other people.

I don't think so Nom. No terrorist group was mentioned. Hitler supported the Palestinians.

Oh, he did? Then why did he try to send the Jews there?

Hitler didn't give a flying shit about Palestine you liar.

You just proved my point.

It was a great point, and I fully agree with your point that you are borderline retarded.

You mean the group Hitler supported


Hamas, meaning zeal, is an acronym for “Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya,” the Islamic Resistance Movement.1 It was founded in the occupied Gaza Strip in 1987

Explain how Hitler supported a group founded 42 years after his death, you fucking lying Nazi prick.



Interesting, Interesting. They literally went on a shooting spree in a leftist gay nightclub in Orlando

In which universe do nightclubs have a political partisanship?

Shut the fuck up you idiot. You're borderline retarded.

Apparently not there buddy.

Strange then how nothing you have said or linked has so far evidenced this.

They mention Cherokee reservations in court cases

Oh, the pre-1907 reservations are mentioned in court cases? Well that settles it then.

the actual signs literally say "Cherokee Indian reservation"

Then you don't live in Oklahoma you fucking lying imbecilic fascist moron.

still no explanation for signs in Oklahoma that literally say "Cherokee Indian Reservation".

The Cherokee Indian Reservations in Oklahoma were abolished by federal law in 1907. I have proven that to be a fact. None of your false claims need to be "explained" because you have not told the truth about anything in your entire life.

The link says you are wrong

But obviously no it doesn't.

the State has limited power to tax tribal members on reservations.

But the Cherokee Indian Reservations in Oklahoma were abolished in 1907. Why do you keep refusing to acknowledge this?

Sure ya are.

Cool buddy. But tell us more about those trips to Pakistan.

You literally said I gave you this info 180 days ago.

You literally said you travel to Pakistan for "sex with 6 year old girls".

I literally was not posting at all anywhere near 180 days ago.

Why do you continuously repeat claims which have already been proven false? Is it because you're Hitler and he used to do exactly the same thing?

Wikipedia isn't a source buddy.

LOL! It's an online encyclopaedia which categorically evidences that you are lying.

Mine are.

LOL! You have link-dropped an ancestry website which discusses the pre-1907 condition of Oklahoma and a court case in which the Muskogee tribe successfully argued they were not covered by the 1907 federal acts. Your links do not support your filthy lies in the first place, let alone outweigh the most popular online encyclopedia in the entire world.

Literally half of where I was born and raised are Native American.

Cool story buddy. What does it have to do with the fact that you lied about living on a Cherokee Indian Reservation in Oklahoma?

Looks like you lose again buddy. I sure do wish that you won more.

I have never lost Bronto, because I have never needed to lie during an argument with you. I'm too intelligent to need to do that.

A classic attempt at misdirection. The linked case had nothing to do with Cherokee reservations. See:-

In 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit ruled that the Muscogee (Creek) Nation reservation was never abolished by federal law.[3][4][5] (See: Carpenter v. Murphy.)

You don't appear to understand that, when you are proven to be wrong, you only make yourself look more stupid by lying about it.

Yes. That gives you a list of Indian Reservations.

Can you read English Bronto?

Former Indian reservations in Oklahoma

The US Federal government broke up collective tribal landholdings through the allotment process before the establishment of Oklahoma as a state in 1907. Tribal jurisdictional areas replaced the tribal governments,[1] with the exception of the Osage Nation.

Yes. We discussed this 180 days ago

127 days ago, like I told you less than two hours ago. The problem with compulsive liars like you is that you all have 30 second memories.

even though I have no posts 180 days ago.

I proved what you said and when you said it. I caught you red-handed lying, just like I caught you when you claimed to live on a Cherokee Indian Reservation in Oklahoma.

Every word which leaves your lips is false because you are lying Nazi scum. You have no skills, talent or intelligence. The only thing you know how to do in life is tell lies.

2 points

I am very interested in putting what you and Hitler say side by side.

Except the part where both you and he dedicated your entire lives to attacking Marxists with lies and propaganda, right buddy?

Everyone has heard that.

The only people who have heard that are the ones looking back through history to find their distant ancestors, because you've link-dropped a genealogy site. Of course, you haven't told us that the website you dropped describes Oklahoma pre-1907, because obviously you don't want people to know what a laughably ridiculous liar and con artist you are, do you? See:-

Former Indian reservations in Oklahoma

The US Federal government broke up collective tribal landholdings through the allotment process before the establishment of Oklahoma as a state in 1907. Tribal jurisdictional areas replaced the tribal governments,[1] with the exception of the Osage Nation.

Oh look. Busted as a lying fascist again. Whoever would have guessed?

Why would I plagiarise from your dirty biography buddy?

You wouldn't. Unless Hitler or Mussolini said it, you generally aren't interested in reading it.

Were all those trips to Pakistan why your wife left you?

Or did she just get tired of the fact that every word which leaves your stupid mouth is a lie?

0 points


Nothing you say is EVER true. The very fact you have said it at all qualifies as evidence that it is not true. You are the textbook definition of a pathological liar, and you sit here all day using puppet accounts to upvote your own vile fascist hate speech.

I've never felt that the banks "had me by the balls".

Your "feelings" are irrelevant. They do not change objective reality.

In fact they are lending money at a very low cost at this time.

Banks append interest to every solitary dollar in circulation and so repaying them is impossible. Society works perpetually to pay back a debt which can never be paid back. This is the objective reality of capitalism, minus the cheerful propaganda. Every one of us is a slave to the banks. Even people who think they are rich.

-1 points

Anyone that commits a crime can and in most cases should be separated from their children.

Oh shut up you idiot. You literally sound like a fascist.

Or are you suggesting that anyone that breaks the laws of the land and has children should not be separated from them?

Suggesting? I'm outright asserting that you sound like a fascist. Obey me or else. That is the extent of your reasoning skills.

In review, RedState is a conservative news and opinion website that publishes content with a borderline extreme right wing bias. Nearly every article utilizes strongly emotional wording. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing of information and a few failed fact checks.

Fascism is a form of extreme right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism. Opposed to liberalism, Marxism and anarchism, fascism is placed on the far-right within the traditional left–right spectrum.[4][5]

Please note that less than half an hour ago Bronto claimed he quotes Hitler so much because he sounds just like me. Me the Marxist.

Bernie quotes Stalin to show how much he sounds like you.

Fucking die you stupid lying Nazi cunt.

I quote his speeches

I know. You also regularly plagiarise Goebbels and Mussolini speeches.

to show that he sounds just like you.


Bronto, last week you were caught FIVE times linking literal Nazi propaganda and trying to convince people to believe it. Both you and Hitler have dedicated your entire miserable lives to telling lies about Marxists.

The very concept of Hitler's "big lie" is that one turns the truth upside down and then keeps repeating it. Hence, this explains neatly why you keep insisting the Nazis were on the left wing, instead of the extreme far right wing, where your stupid lying ass is.

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